N-Strike Elite Strongarm. Pic from eBay |
Whoah, where did this come from?! Someone once said it would be cool for the classic Maverick REV-6 to get the N-Strike Elite treatment, and this would appear to be the next best thing:) Looks like a revolver, fires 6 darts and the tactical rail looks like it's been moved forward on the gun rather than on the rear like the Mav. Barrel looks smoother too.
This is the first I've heard of it, but the photo looks legit. N-Strike Elite Strong Arm. Here it is folks!
Back of the box states it has Slam Fire- whoah!
Interestingly, Nerf have used the name "Strong Arm" before in their vintage 'CyberStryke' days:
Nerf Cyberstrike StrongArm Image courtesy of Nerfipedia.wika.com |
Probably more of a coincidence, as I don't see the resemblance at all:P
29-7-12: UPDATE: The seller of this made this claim:
"I am a 67 year old lady who goes to yard sales and had no idea what this was. This is crazy. I like to buy items to put on e-bay and craigslist, find Christmas presents and new toys to donate to children at Christmas."
My guess is since we posted this she must be getting some serious email traffic from keen lil' Nerfers asking her about the blaster and how she got it. I'd also suggest she's a tad nervous about legal implications (
re Hasbro goons) and doing her utmost to throw everyone off the scent. It's probably not the most believable story 'she' could have come up with, but hey, I don't blame her for trying- given her location is very close to Hasbro's head office in Rhode Island..
3-8-12: UPDATE: Well the blaster went from $142.40 with four hours to spare to a final sale price of a WHOPPING $1125.01 That's some serious cash. Of course, there's always the issue of whether the seller will actually get that money and whether it was a genuine buyer. No, it wasn't us:D
Thanks Tim for the original lead.
Hasbro nerf n-strike elite soft dart gun NEW | eBay