
Sunday, October 3, 2010

18 Rounds of foam goodness: how do you like it?

Long + Thin vs Short and Thick..:P
Some of the coolest things to come out this year in Nerf-land are the Alpha Trooper's 18 round drum, and the new Stampede ECS's 18 round clip. Same amount of foam dart, same TYPE of foam dart.. just a different aesthetic. While I love the 18 round drum, I gotta admit I seem to get better performance from the clip.. maybe it's just me. What about you? What's your take? (Or do you just give the big "get farked" and stick with the 35 round Raider drum)


  1. Personally, I prefer the drum because it is easier to store, and it has less chance of being caught on branches, books etc.

  2. Clip. Drums are terrible in Longshots.

  3. @Genericwizardguy

    For modding purposes you mean, right?

  4. I prefer the drums. Easier to manage and you can fit two 18-rounders in a nerf dart bag.

  5. Necro: No, just in general, the Longshot doesn't go very well with drums, and as I always use my Longshot I just use the 18 clip.

  6. @Genericwizardguy

    Ahh fair enough. I just tried it out actually. With the 18 drum it isn't very comfortable. It digs into your wrist. So that doesn't leave any hope for the 35 drum. With the 18 clip it was all good.

    For every other gun though I'd probably lean toward using the 18 drum (Of course the Raider uses the 35 =P)

  7. Who needs the 35 round drum clip? The 18 round one suits me just fine.

  8. I'm really impressed with the 18 round drum, but I don't own any of the clips.
    In what way do you get better performance from the clip? Less jamming? Faster slam fire?
    The drum appears to have room for 20. Has anyone had trouble when loading 20 in the drum?

  9. I'm always of the practice of "under" loading my large capacity clips/drums. SO I generally keep it to 17 rounds or 32 for the Raider drum. Over filling it for me is the sure fire recipe for jamming, and in turn shredding darts, especially with the Stampede.

  10. Drum Mag looks cooler, I use it for my Raider because it's not so big and bulkey like the 35 and 8 round clips/mags

  11. 18-round drum for me. It's far more compact than the stick mag, and isn't really much heavier than the stick. However in the raider I use the big stick only because I like the aesthetics more. But since I primary the Alpha Trooper, I use the 18 round drum almost exclusively. I've never had any problems with the drum or stick jamming.
