
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Barricade RV-10: How noisy is noisy?

So how noisy it the Barricade RV-10.. really? Hard to really tell from the videos, so I do a comparison with other motor driven devices.. :P (You can tell I have a really scientific mind and did AWESOME in highschool science..or not)


  1. Awesome high school science or not, that's the first time someone's compared the noise to anything, and that's exactly the kind of detail I like to know before I fork out for the next big thing.

  2. Not a fan at all. At least the vacuum cleaner cleans my room. The Barricade will get me shot in the face by my brother.

    By the way Pocket, have you already placed your order for the N-force stuff? I'm interested in the Battlemaster! I have a thing for blunt weapons =P Nothing like pounding the zombies... with a foam mace... not... nevermind...

  3. Now that's a good comparison for us who don't own a Barricade.

  4. Malee- Sorry, N-Force order was done last week.. We'll be getting a Battlemaster though, so we'll at least be able to review it and see if it's worth getting you in one?:)

  5. Ahhh well I'll just wait on it then. Maybe they'll be in stock when I head over to Singapore over Christmas.
