
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dual wielding: seemed like a good idea at the time

Gun Kata. Or.. possible two sticks of fairy floss.
How cool is dual wielding? We're talking twin 6 guns in the wild wild west- two hand guns in any John Woo movie you can think of (including Appleseed!), and of course my all time fav, Sweet Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider games packing a pair of pistols will just does it for me every time. It's sort of the ultimate in any form of roleplaying (try it- hand a pair of toy pistols to any male and watch him go..) but while in movies this is always sooo cool.. in the world of Nerf this is not so easy. Nerf blasters require your other hand to cock the primer, so unless you've got them on a shoulder strap (in which case it's not REALLY dual wielding but using one after the other) or you're tying your trackie daks drawstring through your pair of Mavericks, you'd traditionally be out of luck. Till.. now:)

What I really would like, is to dual wield hand guns, but if I was to dual wield two Nitefinders, it's going to be over really fast. ("wait mr zombie.. please wait.. i'm not ready yet.. just gotta load up another couple..ok ready") The introduction of automatic Nerf blasters means we're able to load up on paired goodness..
"It's fun to stay at the.. Y..M..C.. no wait..what letter am I doing again?"
Soo, if you've got yourself a pair of automatic blasters, then dual wielding isn't going to be a problem. Automatic blasters aren't a completely new concept- the air pressure models have been around for quite some time and still fire at a much faster rate than their battery powered younger brothers. The DX-1000 Powerclip was, and still is an awesome piece of work, and the similar Magstrike AS-10 is just as lethal. The only problem with the fact that the rounds that fire very quickly is if you've got a heavy trigger finger(s), you'll probably be out of ammo in less than 5 seconds. Oops.

Now we're talking. Got the latest and greatest? Dual wielding Stampede ECS's. All that power. With.. none of the accuracy:) Too big to wield like pistols. you've pretty much got to brace them by jamming the stocks into your sides. It'll rain foam like the thunder..if you manage to hit anyone:) And.. you're also going to be temporarily kind of vulnerable when your rounds have run out and you need to change clips.

New. And loud. My Ed Hardy combo:P
Something easier to wield as a pair is the Barricade RV-10 and the Barrel Break IX-2. Ok.. so the Barrel Break can only shoot two rounds and is kinda not the best choice for dual wielding.. but that's because it is so tough it'll take you out with it's sheer coolness (and i'm using camo darts in it. BAM! you're outa here). If you're dual wielding it's pretty rare you'd be going for the stealth shots, so who cares that the neighbours can hear you coming with the Barricade.. from the next suburb..

Fark. Forearm's like Popeye when this is done.
But come on, man up nancy boy! If you want to be a REAL man, you'd go with dual wielding Vulcans. In this scenario, I would strongly advise against the use of AA batteries in D cell adaptors because they reduce weight significantly. And ditch the shoulder straps. And.. err.. good luck with running:P

I'm still yet to find the ultimate Nerf dual wielding combo.I read somewhere about something to do with "maverick big boys self cock" but I dunno if that was relevant:P


  1. What are "trackie daks"?

  2. I always pondered the idea of multiple N-Strike Reflex's on either a bandolier or a specially made vest like the Duke wore in Boondock Saints. Aim and shoot your one round at your victim, ditch the empty, and grab the next loaded weapon.

    Hopefully, Nerf will improve on their automatic hand-held blasters down the road. Then we can live out our Matrix fight scene dream... kung fu wires not included. ^^;

  3. My thoughts in wanting to buy two Barricades is to dual wield since they are smaller, but also automatic.

  4. Trackie Daks- Tracksuit/Sweat Pants. Sorry, colloquial Australian term there:)

  5. How about the RF-20? Same as a magstrike but with more rounds = more staying power.

  6. One of these days someone's going to have to teach me how to use an RF-20 properly. No joke, I've tried 4 of them and they're all rubbish. I find with a magstrike, you can pump it up and the air pressure is enough to fire all 10 darts. With a Rapidfire, I get about 3 dribbling out with a "psshhh" sound after and have to keep pumping.

  7. LOL "Maverick big boys self cock". Why are you checking out gay porn?

    BTW I agree 2 Barricades are the closest you can get to dual wielding.

  8. "Maverick big boys self cock"- was related to a post on the official Nerf Facebook page where a guy could single hand cock his mavericks, hence dual wielding.

    He made a comment " just because you little kids cant single cock mavs doesnt mean us big boys cant. If you are that concerned i'll throw up a youtube clip of me doing it"

    I googled this to find out what he meant.. errrr.. maybe not:)

  9. Alas I haven't been able to acquire another Barricade. That and they just feel unsatisfying to fire, noise issues aside.

  10. One day they'll have a clip system battery operated pistol. That or they'll have some compartment to load the screamers into... which wouldn't work nearly as well). Two D cells stuck on in some back compartment. I predict it'll resemble a TMP.

    Or that picture from borderlands (I love that game). The compartment would be at the back... and the plunger at the front. 6 automatic shots! Woooooo lol.

  11. I'm sure that you have seen the video on this page, but just in case:

  12. 2 barrel breaks like in CoD

  13. I know someone who can dual wield with two vulcans in each hand. Is that really dual wielding?

  14. How about that new swarm fire?

  15. Has anyone seen that clip with a guy that had rigged up a harness or some such thing, that he could attach two mavericks to?

    All he had to do was push the gun forward, and the carry strap/holster thingy would pull back on the slide, cycling the maverick.

    I vaguely remember something about it being on

  16. I made something like what Adi mentioned. As the Deploy shoulder strap was too small for me, I used the clips on the strap to hook onto the back of the Maverick slide. Have the strap around your back and push the Mavericks forward to cock. It's not a pretty system and reloading is awkward to say the least.

  17. i think 2 swarmfires would be good
