
Monday, October 18, 2010

Random: What Celebrities do with Nerf blasters..

Popular Australian radio (and the occasional television appearance) personalities Hamish and Andy get their hands on a Nerf Stampede ECS. Noone really cares when they get hit by a Nerf dart... or do they.. (this is a stream of ALL of their vids so it's likely by tomorrow this vid will be bumped down the list.. but it'll still be there)

Also a few vids after this one; there's also a vid on Hamish Blake getting the day off by using his Stampede ECS. (Thanks to "Anonymous" for this-I've either got an incredibly devoted single reader, or you're all a lil shy on leaving your names. Make it up, I don't mind, just give me something to call you by! "Night Hawk" works)

Video courtesy of Fox FM. (it keeps streaming so just kill it after the vid and reload your browser. Also.. excuse the advertising before the vid. Ugh!)


  1. I LOVE Hamish and Andy! (I love your blog too by the way, its great.keep up the good work Pocketesq!)

  2. There is another video where Hamish ambushes his 'boss' with a Stampede. Follow this link:

  3. Hey Pocket, want to know my name? I go by the mysterious code name 'Link'. Seems familiar? (Facebook) & Yes, I am a devoted reader of your blog. You can thank a good friend of mine for showing me that video.
