
Monday, October 18, 2010

Shout out to ma peeps: affiliates, friends and just cool dudes

Urban Taggers is relatively new to the Nerf blogging community and it's pretty exciting to see how in only a few months how quickly we've gained a modest, yet decent readership worldwide even though we're personally located in a town of 320,000 in Australia. (thanks guys, you're awesome- yes even you, that guy in the North Pacific Ocean) 

While I do try to post as regularly as possible, in trying to keep a relatively normal work/social/family life I do acknowledge I can't update all the time, so if I am a lil tardy in my posts, I do urge you to check out some of the blogs we affiliate with; it's a shameless plug for those who I am in contact and share information with. We don't make any money out of it all, we just love the foam and all look to bring as much up to date information as we can for the readers...well more so than the official channels anyway:)

They're listed down the right hand side of the blog, but here's some blurb on why I like 'em:)

BLOGS LIKE US: Urban Taggers IS about out of the box mucking about fun with toy blasters; we don't claim to be "serious" Nerfers, but just about casual play on a mid week evening or Sunday afternoon with friends. There are a few other blogs out there like us:

Basic Nerf: They've got the same mentality as us and so.. we affiliated with them:) The info is solid, the love of Nerf is high but they're not so much about serious organised games and performance modding their blasters as they are with shooting beer cans and dorm room buddies. We like the way they work:)

Adult Fans of Nerf: They're grown ups.. and they like Nerf. We have that already in common:) Similar tilt- about the fun of the blaster and just enjoying them for what they are. They've also got a web forum attached to the blog which is getting decent momentum.

SG Nerf: The first Nerf blog I went to and still one of the best. Hailing from Singapore, his reviews are fantastic and he goes into a lot of detail, mainly in the photos and videos of the blaster. The forums linked to the blog are also a wealth of information.

MODS: I personally don't do mods- mainly because I'm a goober with technical/practical applications and while I can take anything apart, I find it difficult to put them back together again. It's also pretty unnecessary for my type of tagging conflict (three rooms and a staircase). That all being said, I am still always in awe of others who do mods (and do them well) and I like to still keep up to date on what I COULD do..if I..well.. could:)  My most respected sites:

Nerf Mods and Reviews : Nerf Mods & Reviews hails from the US, and is in my opinion the place to go when you're talking about mods. He's a demon with the hot glue and screw driver and some of what he comes up with is just insane. Great place for inspiration; he also reviews out of the box blasters of all brands and he posts videos of them too.

Modworks: The sister project of SGNerf, and a more technical resource for those of you who are more into the "how to" of mods. He does a great job with the way he writes and takes his pics.

Finally, a shout out to the Canberra + Southern NSW Dart Tag Group; as luck would have it they actually ended up being in the next suburb to me and I share a lot of intel with their key players. Humans vs Zombies is really their thing, and while it's not mine, they're still always very willing to help out with my reviews and testing of Nerf. If you're in the area, or even just wanting to share info on organising large outdoor games, they've got the knows:) (it is a Facebook page btw, but they're worth joining)

(Note: I've stated before with gear that I only review and recommend gear I actually have used; the same goes with sites and blogs:) I only recommend the sites and blogs that I've had some form of interaction with and contact; it's by no means saying the others AREN'T good, I just haven't met you yet:)

1 comment:

  1. Nerf Mods and Reviews here, Thanks for the kind words. And let me tell you that this is my favorite Nerf blog and the only one I check on the regular.
