
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rumours: Nerf Dart Tag 20 Automatic Blaster (PICSPAM)

Nerf Dart Tag 20 Automatic Blaster- screencaps of vid from kevinericon
For those of you using your phones to view this and can't see the kevinericon's video of the new blaster, we did some screen caps:) More images after the jump.
On/Off Switch. Yup, battery powered goodness
Removable stock; attaches like the Longstrike's-only you can remove it:)
Removal of Stock
You can see the "dart tag" etchings in the stock. It's Nerf:)
Nice grip on the underside of the blaster
'20' etched into the blaster. This reminds me of Bumblbee:)
Dart Tag logo etched into the blaster
20 rounds of foam goodness!
Original video is found here on kevinericon's channel


  1. Looks like a Stampede+Barricade slightly simplified. I wonder if that is the max rate of fire…?

  2. Red whistlers,yellow color scheme, automatic, and dart tag. This Nerf blaster seems to be the most unique I've ever seen.

  3. The evolution of the Rapid-Fire 20...sigh...

  4. when does it come out?!?!?!?!?!?

  5. We know nothing about it thus far; everything that's in the video is about as much as we can tell you at this stage.

    Nerf's kinda addictive- you get one, and then you want more..and it's hard to be satisfied with what you have:) For all we know this could be around the corner.. or this time next year. Wait and see I guess:)

  6. the grip on the bottom is the battery door, u can see the skrew

  7. Wow, that's...crazy interesting. I note there's none of those tactical rails either.

  8. Dart Tag's response to the Stampede.

  9. Are you sure this is nerf and not a copy?

  10. Well it's got the Dart Tag logos and text on the side, and from what I can see it's got a pretty high production quality, so it's hard to imagine what else it could be besides the next original Nerf blaster.

  11. i wonder if there will be different color schemes for it. . well one thing's for sure, im getting this and putting led's in it

  12. this gun is a very good gun i have it but it has no tactical rails and to comfirm it, it is nerf not buzzbee not anythng but nerf dart tag

  13. If it is unreleased to the point that absolutely NO information is known about it, how did you get your hands on one? Work for Nerf? Bought through a seedy deal with a disgruntled factory worker? Won it as a prize in some Nerf sponsored press release?

  14. It's not mine. I was reporting on the video published by 'kevinericon' but it hasn't been made available yet. If the opportunity came up to get it, great but right now.. nope:(

    That being said, there are ways, I'm sure.

  15. Looks kinda ugly to me,but hey it might grow on me.Anyways hos does this guy alwase get his hands on the new stuff months before we even here about it?A Nerf black market or something?

  16. How can you order one?

  17. than how did kevinericon get it

  18. '20' etched into the blaster. This reminds me of Bumblbee:)

    on that picture, if you look closely near the bottom right corner, in the black, it says nerf, it has the nerf logo in black


  19. Dude, Urban Taggers were the ones who actually revealed it to be the SWARMFIRE first.

  20. It reminds me of the rifle used by Thirty Thirty from the Bravestar cartoon form the 8-'s its name was Sarah Jane if I'm not mistaken lol But I like it!
