
Friday, November 19, 2010

Sonic Series now available in stores-Toys R US(US)

Sonic Series Recon CS-6. Spotted on shelf in TN. Thanks Dave!
As spotted by one of our Urban Taggers readers, Sonic Series are now appearing on shelves in the US. He sent through a pic of the above Recon CS-6 on shelf at his local Toys R Us. Looks pretty well priced too! Thanks for the intel, Dave!


  1. If you think that's well-priced, then I really feel for the Australian Nerfers' economy. =( A couple of weeks ago, the regular clear Recons could be had for $15.00 each if you bought two at once, thanks to a Buy One, Get One 50% off deal, and then an extra 20% off coupon on top of that.

    TRU always has 15% to 25% higher prices for Nerf than everyone else around here (Recons sell for $25 there normally, while they are $18 to $20 everywhere else most of the time), so I try and only shop there when they have a sale. Which really stinks when a TRU exclusive shows up, because it's a battle of "gotta have it now" versus "I could probably get this for half as much if I wait a bit."

    Thankfully, TRU will take anything back with a receipt with 90 days. So what I usually do is go ahead and buy something, and then if it goes on sale for less within the next three months, I'll go buy another one and then just return it with my original receipt to take advantage of the sale price. =)

    I'm pretty jealous you guys already have Barricades, though. I don't think they're getting released in the states until December 6th.

    A quick look on eBay brings up no Nerf Sonic guns, so I wonder if my store put it on the shelf prematurely. I swore I wouldn't get any of this green series - just more money for something I already have (multiple times!) - but darn it all if seeing it in the flesh doesn't make you want to take it home a bit more. =D

  2. Dave, shoot me an email and we'll talk:)

  3. recons here in perth cost as much as $50 when not on sale =(

  4. Just saw a bunch of Barricades in a Kmart in the U.S. :)
