
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

News: NZ 6yo becomes partially blind from Nerf dart

Eyewear looks dorky. Probably beats a patch eye though
Ahh, more alarmist news regarding the evils of Nerf..  Apparently a 6yo boy in New Zealand copped a Nerf dart in the eye after being shot with his own Christmas present and now has permanent vision loss. I reckon there'd be more accidents with people stepping on Nerf blasters than this sorta thing actually happening. Still...

Boy Partly blinded by Christmas Toy via New Zealand Herald


  1. And how many kids get suffocated each year in that weird plastic wrapping? Or elderly people trip over boxes/toys at tops of stairs? I consider 1 Nerf related incident pretty a good record.

    Zack -

  2. if you notice the article states that the 'nerf'
    gun wasn't actually nerf and it was some knock off brand that was stupid enough to put lead in the gun

  3. yea and that happens so often its enough to try to stop kids from using nerf, hmmmmmmmmmm

  4. i guess that boy didnt have a strong eye..i shot myself in the left eye point blank with my AT and sabot dart while trying to troubleshoot was freaking pain,but i still have perfect vision..and i swear its true.

  5. First nerf gun ive ever got was a firefly i take it out of the box, load it, cock it, point the barrel at my eye and wonder if it need betteries to shoot and pull the trigger!! Im perfectly fine 10 minutes later... WHAT A BABY!
    Signed Garrett1999

  6. the ones who shot themselves in the eye were prepared for the gun pointing at them. Unfortunately for me, I was an unwilling participant who didn't see it coming and now I have to live with a corneal scarring. #ihatedarts

  7. wonder my rents wont let me mod the springs in my guns...still super lubricating works XD
