
Monday, December 6, 2010

Random: Foreign Nerf clip

Ok, so I don't understand the language, but the video itself is pretty entertaining:) Dual wielding Recons though..that being said, there are probably more fantastic elements that defy realism in this vid than that so I'll let it slide:)


  1. this would make more sense if they were carrying barricades, also, this is why barricades would be good!!!

  2. That is french. Im taking french. Good to see that france has good taste in toys :D

  3. French, and the video is of one of my youtube friends: albertsierraros. The video is in French, but he is Catalan (from a part of Spain, like me). I was sending you a friends invitation on youtube (I'm jwarriorb7), please add me and see a Spanish nerf blog: , I was using your photos on this blog :)
