
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rumours: New Dart Tag darts.. swanky!

New Dart Tag darts. blue and white tips: priddy:)
We're getting more intel on the new Dart Tag gear coming out soon. First of all, we've got good word that Nerf will be bringing out new Dart Tag JERSEYS; yup instead of the naff vests of old, be on the look out for high tech looking tee-shirts... that I guess will be..furry:P

Finally.. check out the new darts. velcro tipped like any ordinary dart tag dart.. but pretty new blue and white? Niiice...


  1. When can we expect more photos?

  2. T-shirts? Like the ones they use in NDTL matches? Now one of those I'd like!

  3. dang, i dont theink those would match nicely with yellow. On the other hand an all blue dart with white tip...

  4. Hmm. I liked the green/orange darts. That way you could tell who's dart was who's (and whether any friendly fire had occurred).

  5. Thats puuurtyyy..... I wish theyd come out in Canada soon. Oooooooh, cant get over them, theyre so smexy.
