
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Australia Day!

She wears the flag and brandishes the green and gold. So proud:)
Happy Australia Day peeps from us here at Urban Taggers. Looks like it's gonna be a hot one (we're even talking 37 degrees here in Canberra) , so we're thinking it is PERFECT weather for some crazy outdoors water fight action. Let us know what you get up to today- a barbie with friends and family? Triple J hottest 100? More importantly.. will you be packing water blasters and if so, what's your blaster of choice? (Today I reckon it shall be a Super Soaker CPS 1200 and a Water Warriors Pulse Strike)

Have a fun and safe day and above all.. time to get drenched!


  1. We'll be using Shotblasts and Rattlers and Hydro Fury guns. My friend also has a water warriors pulse blaster and gorgon. and we have water bombs too.

  2. It's freezing here,i can't believe you guyz are talking about water fights!

  3. water fights are for little kids

  4. haha classic super soaker 50 is beast.We had them in college and they ruled.I miss those days.

    I love this blog by the way! keep it up

  5. ^^ That's a re-release of the Super Soaker 50- the originals didn't have "Super Soaker" etched into the plastic..

    37 degrees is pretty cold? I assume you don't mean farenheit.

  6. If he means celsius (which I'm sure he does) that is equal to 98.6 degrees. So yeah, that's pretty hot.

  7. Shot Blast. And yes, he means 37 degrees Celsius.

  8. That does it. I quit.

  9. ahhh, Americans and our system of measurement.

  10. ^^@monkeywrench1337 You said that already dude. Please follow through with your pointless threats and leave. We don't want your crap wannabe morals here. We're in Australia mate, we see that sort of thing every day and there's no way it's "porn" or degrading.

  11. We had the best Australia Day water fight ever! Backyard BBQ's, pool, bikini's and a slip and slide! My brothers were packing heat with some Super Soaker Thunderstorms and I had two Point Breaks. Best fun ever!

  12. Happy Australia Day UT! You guys are awesome.

  13. personal beauty of urban tigger I came to ask if you want to partner I'm from the blogs

  14. I just looked and I have exactly one Super Soaker that's been sitting at the bottom of my "toy" box, that I got back when I was a kid... is it valuable? I doubt I'll ever use it again...

    XP 150
