
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Preview: A new 2011 paintjob for the Maverick REV-6.. we got one!

District 9 eat your heart out: Nerf Maverick in new colours
We updated you a few weeks ago on a rumoured new 2011 paint scheme for the tried and true N-Strike iconic Maverick REV-6. Well, we got one today, and I have to admit, while I feel the Maverick is getting on a lil', it's still a pretty decent looking blaster.. ESPECIALLY in these colours. Big fan. Not much else I can really say about it as other than the aesthetics it's pretty much another Maverick for you to add to your Blue, Yellow, Clear and Sonic series we'll just pump out some photos for you:)

It DOES look very cool admittedly.
 It is a different feeling plastic to the traditional yellow Mavericks; it feels a little smoother and a tad more brittle. The orange is actually quite a dark orange (the flash from the camera makes it look more gold) and the white is what car manufacturers would call 'Arctic'- ie with a very slight blue/grey tint to it but essentially it's white.

 Here are a few photos taken with my phone with no flash so the quality isn't as good, but at least the orange is a bit more 'true' to life.
Older style N-Strike logo as we mentioned previously

Paint job looks similar to, but NOT the Dart Tag logo
A different view.
As always, while we managed to get one, we have NO idea when they're coming out, or WHY there is a new colour palette in the first place. You'd think it'd be strange to JUST release one new colour palette for ONE blaster and leave it as that so I'd be hoping we'll not see the end of this white/orange/grey.. It'd be very cool if other blasters in the N-Strike range came out in this scheme (I'm thinking Raider, AT and Stampede? now THAT would be sweet) , but then there are those out there who are a lil sick of mere repaints and want some more substantial releases.

Keep an eye out.. Hopefully it'll be out real soon.


  1. do you know when these will be available in AUS?

  2. ^WTF FAKE? He got one,and he's never reported anything that has been fake in the past. You idiot.

  3. It does remind me of a custom paintjob more than a genuine release.a very nice custom paintjob!

  4. It's very much real, I'm quite convinced. I hear what you're saying though. It's definitely one of the better colour schemes. I am hoping for other blasters in this scheme.

    As for availability, as we've said in the post, m'fraid it's not the kind of info we normally get. Sorry.

  5. I wish the recon and the longshot get these paint jobs

  6. I doubt the Longshot will, given its discontinued. But there'd be likelihood of the Recon and Nitefinder getting it, for sure (If it is a paint release)

  7. It looks like the new Super-Soakers to me.

  8. Looks a lot like this guys:

  9. It is very district 9 isn't it? Meandmunch's Raider was one of my all time favourite paintjobs.

    Maybe Nerf heard:)

  10. This is getting low. Repaint old guns and selling them as now. Shame on you, Nerf.

  11. Just a theory, but perhaps Nerf is going for some sort of unified colour scheme across its products. Perhaps we'll see others in this colour scheme.

    Or this is some kind of limited edition to match the Point Break. Hmm...any chance of getting a photo of the Point Break next to the new Maverick next time you put a bunch of photos up?

  12. Lol mr "FAKE." is such a troll.
    Hey, do you think you can post a pic of the new n-strike logo? I just have never seen the logo yet, and cant compare it to the old.

  13. Totally totally awesome!
    Raider and Alpha Trooper please!!

  14. cant wait til this comes out!

  15. It'd be cool to see Nerf come out with a "new and improved" Maverick. Perhaps this paint job will accompany a new Maverick 2.0. Maybe the new Maverick could have the tactical rail moved and have room for barrel extensions and stocks. It'd be awesome.

  16. Hey do you mind if i postone of the photos on facebook?

  17. So, like everyone else: When & where can I get one?
