
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

HVZ Ithaca College: Relay for Life - Donate to a Good Cause

There are some causes that are pretty dear to my heart, and Cancer research and support is one of them. Cancer is a killer that affects so many of us; it robs us of our best people and hurts more than just the brave sufferers but their friends and families as well. I tragically lost my Dad only two months ago to Lung Cancer just 4 days before Christmas; there is nothing more painful than losing someone you love to this dreadful disease.

How is this related to Urban Taggers? The Humans vs Zombies Social Club @ Ithaca College in New York, USA is fielding a team to enter their local  American Cancer Society's Relay for Life on the 26-27 March, 2011. They're looking to raise as much as they can and putting the call out for generous donations for this worthwhile cause.  Urban Taggers isn't a business and generates no income, but we're still doing our small part to not only help out our fellow Nerfers in the US, but also to donate to what we believe is something worth while.

The link to their team page is here: if you can please help out a fellow Nerfer!


  1. I'm sorry for your loss man ;(

  2. Thanks so much for your donation and this publicity. I'm sorry to hear about your father but a cure for this disease is out there, we just need to find it.

    On behalf of the Ithaca College Humans vs. Zombies Social Club, thank you.

  3. what happens when we don't run, zombies eat us?

  4. yes, and sorry for your loss and I found a cps 2000 for sale in ebay

  5. man things are sad, I lost a grandfather to cancer
