
Friday, February 18, 2011

Official image of the HK Toy Fair 2011 Nerf Stand

Official image of the stand @ the HK Toy Fair (via Nerf Nation on FB)
Nerf have posted an image of their stand on their Facebook page from the HK Toy Fair a few weeks back. They even make references to the "Gear Up" blasters in their post if you look closely at this pic (and how crazy does that Gear Up'd  Recon look in this light!)- which makes me wonder how the HK Toy Fair came and went and there was absolutely no coverage of the "Gear Up" blasters until now?


  1. i agree, the recon look really orange!

  2. You're right! No 2011 Dart Tag, though...

  3. Yeah, that's definitely an orange recon - compare it to the furyfire on the wall.

  4. I don't think that is there whole display, I think that is just a "firing range".

  5. Does anyone notice the new box design for the Barricade? look at the one at the most left, the box in front. I can only read "50"

  6. They should have those at target. Because it let's kids actually test them
