
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Red Longshot. We got one:) Well sort of:P

A good friend of mine went to Trash n Treasure last week (it's basically a flea market for the un-informed) and somehow ended up with one.of.these. He came over and asked me "Is this any good?"

As tempted as it was for me to say "nah it's crap, but you might as well just leave it with me and I'll throw it out for you" I had to tell him it was something pretty damn spesh. It's stock, but in near new condition. Some poor kid's gonna spew when he finds his folks moved it on him...

No front gun or scope, but still.. that had to be the best spend 5 bucks. EVER! Anyone else had any luck like this?


  1. Thats how i got my longshot! No scope or front gun =(.
    But hey, it was $6 (goodwill)

  2. I ALWAYS keep my eye out for red blasters. My dream is to own a red recon.

  3. theres a thrift store that sells TONS of cheap blasters by the end of every summer. Best find: Stock Lock n Load for 70cents

  4. *spits drink out onto my monitor*

    5 BUCKS!?

    I got nothing more to say!!

  5. I very rarely buy Nerf new. My best find is a NIB XXL Bazooka for $25 CND. I have also found a working SM1500 at a dump.

    Just search "Cheyner" in Nerf HQ's Thrift store finds thread.

  6. Mix with the yellow

  7. that is an special edition that walmart sold a few yrs ago

  8. no clip?


  9. what you can find at flee markets :)
    (I'm froggyfilmworks on youtube by the way)

  10. wildfire for 7 dolla? yessir! i picked one up about a month ago

  11. 0.0
    ME WANT!
    Not really, I don't like the LS. But perhaps there's more cheap Nerf stuff. You're REALLY lucky. I seriously envy your luck and Nerf collection.

  12. Not as good as that but I have a local thrift store called DI where I get mavs, nite finders and other small blasters for .75 to 1.50 and bigger guns like the magstrike and hyperfire for 3.00

  13. Man! I would have certainly offered to take that off his hands. I live in a more rural area, so any thrift stores around me don't really have much to offer.

  14. I don't know about Australia, but here in the States, red Longshots in any condition are pretty rare! And only $5... Well, you have one very lucky friend.

  15. Just picked up a Blue Longshot off of Craig's List for $10. Had all the parts and is in great condition!

  16. I got a Max Shot and a Big Blast from a thrift store for 3$ each. Within an hour of owning them I had cut off the ends and was shooting streamline darts that must have gone more than 60 feet and over my fence 'cause I never saw them again! Best 3$ I ever spent.

  17. brand new stampede in box at Kmart on the clearance rack for 25 dollars Aus cause it was only missing the front grip. A couple of powerclips for 10 dollars cause they had no darts and my mate got a vulcan for 25 cause apparently it jammed. but we got it home and it had'nt even been removed from the box

  18. Went to a garage sale and found a complete Longshot for $5, both yellow clips, scope, front gun and all. Got it home and found out it didn't work. A little work and it's up and running perfectly

  19. I got an old Reactor from Goodwill for $.99. That made my day, too bad it had no balls. :(

  20. Red Longshots are just nice lookin. It's a shame they didn't release more/discontinued the Longshot.

  21. in the summer I came across two At3ks, a Splitfire, a powerclip, a longshot, two Dart tag guns, a supermaxx 1000, and an at2k at a garage sale. All for 20 bucks. HELL YEAH.

  22. I got a AT2k for 1.12$,
    I also got a Mech Tommy 20 for 2.12,
    and a first shot by lanard for 1.12$.

  23. I once saw, before I even knew it existed (august '08) a used vulcan, with everything (give or take a few darts) plus an extra belt. At goodwill. For $11. I went outside and puked, because I found out it was already sold. WAAAAAH! DX>

  24. finally got one red longshot....I wonder how many are there....

  25. Damn, 5 bucks??
    You are lucky.

  26. got the same one for 2.98 from a thrift store but trying to sell it, just dont know what its worth

  27. i got a blue longshot for $.75 complete, minus 1 clip and three darts
