
Monday, February 21, 2011

WowWee Light Strike: More images from TIA Toy Fair 2011 via A Day in My NYC

Surprised these didn't get more coverage at TIA Toy Fair 2011 this year. Maybe people were turned off the WowWee Paper Jams Justin Bieber key-tar. Ahh well. My suspicions and hopes are true though- they WILL be releasing different shells of the Light Strike Strikers! Ahh joy:)

Inside the WowWee Showcase via A Day in My NYC


  1. Thanks for the link! I really appreciate it.
    The demo of these toys were really fantastic!

  2. This looks so cool! I'm definitely gonna grab those when they come out.. I think it will be a great way to get me into Laser Tag. I mainly come to this (awesome) blog for nerf news and, on occasion, super soaker. So now this can be another way for me to love this site.

  3. Don't you guys read the other posts. He said they'll be around 40 US dollars.

  4. look in the lower left corner. those look like the red and yellow blasters.

  5. this has nothing to do with the post, but when are you going to do another mix and match post?

  6. Target Vest? Looks pretty cool. You can see the manikin wearing the "vest" in the second picture. :D
