
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blue Longshot: It's better.. Really? Who says?

Blue vs Yellow Longshot: Pic courtesy of SG Nerf
A friend of mine had recently bought a blue Longshot in box, and finally decided to crack it out over the weekend. He had asked me about rumours of the blue Longshot having better ranges than the conventional yellow one and while I HAD heard the rumour, I personally wasn't convinced.. and so we tested it:)

If the blue Longshot WAS better than the yellow, there really wasn't a whole lot in it. Against our other friend's red Longshot? Also no real difference. I could almost attribute the blue one being better mainly because it was brand new out of the box, vs the other two which had obviously been played with somewhat but we're talking less than a metre, and if you'd emptied 3-4 clips from each of them into a carpark you probably wouldn't be able to tell which darts came from which blaster.

Now, this rumour has existed for long enough to influence many Nerfers- a few months ago it was 'Longshot rules supreme!' and now I'm starting to see more "..but only if it's blue!" No doubt there are those of you out there who'll swear black and blue (hehe) that the blue one DOES perform better, but what I'm interested in is genuine evidence to support this. Since I'm not a modder myself, I haven't cracked them both open, but i'm going to guess it looks pretty similar inside. Soo... what makes the blue one better, or is it just a matter of personal experience?


  1. I happen to have both of them; the blue one was purchased back in 2007 or so when it first came out, and the yellow purchased at the end of last year, just before Christmas, and I noticed some interesting differences, one of which is that the Yellow Longshot seems to have far tighter fittings. My Blue Longshot sort of flops around a bit, with the barrel being ever so slightly loose on the fitting and the scope wiggling on the rail. Now I do clearly remember buying it like this (and one of the reasons it initially disappointed me), so this is not a product of age; I think Nerf tightened their production line a little after the color change.

    My blue Longshot has never been the best in my opinion, but I also did it wrong by leaving the clips in the blaster with the darts loaded and the bolt primed for something like a year. This alone makes it a blatantly biased comparison. However, when it came right down to it, there doesn't seem to be any difference in range between the two. My Yellow one might shoot further, but if it does, its not by much.

    I don't see how there could be any real difference, and besides, with both being good-ranged direct plunger blasters, how can you complain either way? A foot or two isn't going to make much of a difference at 35-40 foot ranges.

    1. how far will be when you mod the longshot blue?

  2. Ugh, I don't have either. I don't care which one shoots farther, JUST GIVE ME ONE

  3. I think Jerm on Sgnerf brought this up, the comment i remember were a weaker spring in the yellow longshot and maybe something about the air seal being worse. I think if you buy one to modify it it will not make a difference because you will add springs, reenforcement, tighter seal, and so on making it not even an issue. i think the major down side of the yellow one was it only came with one clip not 2, also i got the value pack with the lazer piece.

  4. I have personally modded a few blue and yellow longshots and I like them better for different things. The blue ones honestly have better stock springs and seals. This doesnt matter much since I mod the springs and seals. The yellow one has one advantage that is so often overlooked though. PAINT! paint goes onto a yellow blaster and looks much better IMO than it does onto a blue blaster. Most colors look better on that chalky yellow prepped shell. It just paints better.

    just my 2 cents.

  5. Yeah basically blue is better when modded. Simple as that. The newer springs are weaker, but it doesn't make much of a difference stock

  6. Supposedly the blue one has a stronger spring than the yellow. I have owned several of both and if the blue one is better, it's not by much. You would only really see the difference if you mod them. Personally I think they are about the same.

  7. ive owned both and saw no significant difference


  8. Being a big fan of the color blue, the only performance difference I've seen between the Red, Blue, and Yellow versions is how *I* play. I don't know how to explain it other than that I feel like I play a little harder when I've got a Blue Blaster in my hands, regardless of what kind it is.

    1. which is better longshot blue or yellow?

    2. so longshot blue is better am i right

  9. We have dealt with both blasters and overall the two of them have very similar internals and performance. I have tested the springs from both and they each are about equally matched. The air seal does appear slightly better in the blue longshot, but I find the stock paint job sloppy and the colors don’t appear as vibrant as with the newer yellow longshot. In conclusion I would simply say that they are just about equal, all the differences I previously listed are definitely not obvious, and whichever model you purchase you are still getting a great blaster!!

  10. Ive modded both with simple AR removal, the yellow one did shoot less.

    Best part is the yellow one belongs to my brother, I have the bglue one. Im so mean haha.

    I think its like a 10-15foot differenc between the two. Ill have to check it out to make sure.

  11. I have a 3 year old blue and my friend brought a week old and the blue shoot better but only because i'm a better shot. But his, unlike Berkut99's, was looser than mine and easier to pull but not as easy as the longstrike for obvious reasons.

  12. Blue Longshots usually have stronger springs than the yellow versions and came with 2 clips (which is a plus for NIB buys) but otherwise they perform about the same.

    I have noticed tighter fits on the yellow LSs. I have to use a fair amount of force to twist barrels on to mine.

  13. I agree with uhh... the last anonymous user. the blue LS spring has a higher compression weight(?)than the yellow LS's black spring.
    I believe an experiment would be a simple range test on both godly blasters, though the godly part is opinion. The majority of the NIC hate LSs. I personally disagree. I love longshots for modding capabilities. Singling, Angel Breaches, Heretecorp Breeches, ect.

  14. can somene just say which order the best goes in is the blue the best or the red or the yellow plz i really am wondering about which one to get

  15. im thinking about getting the red one just say which one is better someone plz

    1. the blue longshot is better because it performes better than red,red is standard blue is original ok now you know

    2. yellow is standard, blue is original, red is from a discontinued sub-series

  16. hasbro, reissue these again!!!!!

  17. nerf longshot blue is my best opinion too,because it shoots farther up too 35-40 and the scope i cannot see the plastic so its better than yellow

  18. wish i had a blue longshot...
