
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is this the Vortex series? Really?

In true "I have no life hence I stare at photos for ages" style, there's also talk that these boxes on the left of the photo from the Australian Toy Fair are the upcoming vortex series. Or... they could be a part of the tonka truck line:P What do you reckon?


  1. I doubt it. It's probably hot wheels or the equivalent of hot wheels. But I wish it was the vortex!

  2. it is tonka, look at all the tonka stuf next to it

  3. its not vortex, if you look at a clearer version of the image you can see that the green blur on the middle of the rightmost box is infact a car.

  4. Well, I'd love to believe that it IS Vortex... on the other hand, I see it as pretty unlikely, unless Vortex has wheels. But it still could be. Arrgh! Why is there no one ever actually THERE when these things show up!?!
    Funnily enough, I always imagined it being green-and-black, though, but I don't know why... Anyone else feel the same?

  5. i agree, not vortex, you can see cars and a few other non nerf things on the side.

  6. I don't see any blaze orange, I'd think that vortex would need blaze orange tips, same as the regular nerf balasters.

  7. Can not wait for the real thing.

  8. I agree with the first anon. Hotwheels equivalent. Matchbox or whatever.

  9. Ha, that's funny. I agree with Bluefire: I always pictured Vortex with a green/black paint scheme. I also agree with the person on the older post about the pricing. They probably are just disc shooters, maybe they'll have amazing range something. More likely is they'll be a piece of crap :)

  10. I've been staring at these images for a while. At first I could start to picture the "box" on the right as a green blaster with what looked like the front of a turreted blaster with blue suctions. Funny how eyes play tricks.

    But the box on the left just kept screaming at me as a familiar silhouette. Now I thought I could be getting far fetched but it actually looks like a Transformer in Robot (non-vehicle) mode. Ando's theory of the one on the right being a car is consistent with the dark green toys on the ground to the right of the right-most box.

    If I'd have to take it further, yes Hasbro are the manufacturers of Transformer toys. The left box appears to be somewhat close to Jazz and on the right perhaps Bulkhead.

    My how the mind can play with you with so little detail to work with. My 2 cents ;)

  11. I see the Vortex footballs, if that counts for anything

  12. THe vortex series are disk shooters, I am certain of that, they may feature detachable disk-clips (I know how they'd work)

    I have also been told they will look awesome (re-shells anyone?)

  13. I'm not sure they'll look awesome. If they're shooting disks they'll have a really wide muzzle and that won't look cool.

  14. A sub-line known as the Vortex consists of footballs with tail fins attached on one end, resembling torpedoes and designed to fly at longer distances. [9]
    This explains
