
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rant: Nerf in Australia-to be fair....

I know we whinge about it a lot, but I have to admit stock levels of Nerf in Australia have never been so good. If you want to get yourself a Stampede, Vulcan, Maverick, Nitefinder or Recon, they're quite common in most toy stores, and adding to that we're doing pretty decent with Longshots, Barricades and Raiders too. Last year we were pretty quick on the Sonic Series variants, but pretty behind on the Clear's, VERY behind on Deploys and the weird scattering of Barrel Breaks, AT's and more recently, Spectres.

I think the issue is more that once the cool stuff gets snapped up, there's such a delay in replenishing new stock that all that happens is stores run out and have to resort to filling their shelves with Mavericks:) While I mockingly give a lot of stick to the die hards who buy 5 ATs on release (although i understand how tempting it is to do so!) leaving the same ol' old blasters collecting dust on shelves for the late adopting parents to sit and stare at them for ages; the argument is it's more about the fact that we just don't get sent enough stock of the good stuff to meet that demand. That being said.. we DO get a LOT of Longshots... (the only reason why we'd think they're discontinued is Americans tell us so- because they're coming out here in droves!)

It's also the lack of knowledge from the stores about the new gear- try asking any staff member at Toys R Us or Target if they know anything about the new Dart Tag 2011 series and watch them give you a glazed look and try to sell you a grip ball (velcro catchy pad ball thingy) set...


  1. i could see a couple of unity power systems in the back :)

  2. is this Melbourne toy R US Doncaster

  3. "...we're doing pretty decent with Longshots, Barricades and Raiders..."

    Wait, you mean Longstrikes right? Because if you guys are stocked with Longshots...share the wealth!

  4. Clay- I actually DO mean Longshots. They're everywhere in Australia. Cheapest they've ever been too (which is still dear by US standards)

  5. wow you're so lucky in australia that you even have a single shelf filled with nerf stuff. here in new zealand everything's extortionately expensive, and we never have more than a corner of a store devoted to nerf stuff. our blaster range is downright pathetic. (we've only just got barricades.)no sign of spectres or alpha troopers yet, longshots are virtually non-existent, even mavericks can be hard to find sometimes :(

  6. i live in the UK and the logshot only came out like 3 weeks ago in Toysrus, and it was like £50 which is a lot. We get the exact same problem over here :S

  7. I always thought it was awesome that we in the USA get blasters first... until I learned that you guys have the Longshot. I'm moving to Australia.

  8. the US doesn't even still sell the longshot :/ you're lucky too even find one in a store.

  9. bro, I know how you feel. we're not as lucky as you guys here in NZ. they don't even care about nerf stuff

  10. I hate to be that guy but i just picked up 2 speedload 6's, a quick 16, a swarmfire AND a jersey last night at my local toys r us here in DC and I just had to brag about it to SOMEONE!! The guns are incredible (especially the swarmfire! 20 automatic rounds! ah-hahahaha)

    Dont hate cuz I live in America but you guys are gonna be so stoked when the finally hit!

  11. Hello
    Can I have your location pls ( address )
