
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sneak Preview: Promo Tees!

Once again, you ask and we..well see what we can do! We're finalising the prototypes for our new line of promo shirts but we just thought you might wanna have a sneak preview of the basic logo tee. The final version probably WON'T have the Nerf logo on the sleeve, which is a shame but dems da legalities folks!

We've also got a more stylised logo shirt in the works, and of course it wouldn't be an Urban Taggers line without one that's a tad more saucy:) Stay tuned!


  1. HOLY SHIT! Is that you Pocket? If it is I'm so sorry if I ever said anything to offend you, I don't wanna see you in a dark alley!(runs for cover)

  2. hey cool! been waiting on these for a while! How much will they be? what sizes? colors? (I think orange)

  3. You should write to Nerf and ask them if it is okay to put their logo on your shirts. You do heaps of free advertising for them anyway. :D

    when will they be available?

  4. These look great! It's a shame you can't have the Nerf logo on there but... what can you do? Nothing like giving Hasbro a reason to sue your pants, or in this case, shirt, off! Before it goes into MASS production, I'd like to see a repainted Ironman Mask on that shirt somewhere!

  5. You look chinese.I thought you were Ozzie

  6. Will you do them in black as well?

  7. Nice! I can't believe I never thought of doing t-shirts. I will definitely have to order one once there ready.

  8. I'd love to rep one in Black or White :)

  9. LOL, so Pocket you decided to follow my advice (I posted in that one with three Hots - Speedload 6, yellow bike and babe I wish to get to know :D ) and model yourself this time, showing off your big gun biceps. Funny this time no one posted about this being sexist. Oh you forgot your Ironman mask too :)

  10. ^i guess it's because pocket is not showing his wee wee

  11. Ah, at last! Finally, the famous Pocket Esq. models his OWN clothing, instead of using his girlfriend!

    Shirts? Amazing! I want one! Now I can do more than check your blog several times daily - I can show my allegiances to all my companions and give you advertising on foreign shores! (aka US) Despite the comments of everyone else, I think that the standard white shirt with your logo would be for me. Reminds me of your awesome color scheme.

  12. get a life wierdo that was gay, not funny.....

  13. Huh? Pocket does not have to show his genital to be called sexist post. The hot babe on bike did not show her genital anyway, only some cleavage, and some people already jumping up and down crying foul.

    Also agree Pocket better check with Hasbro it is OK to put Nerf logo on the T-shirt, otherwise he will get into legal trouble.

  14. think the big logo goes in the back and the small logo goes right by where the heart is...
    other than that thats pretty kool

  15. @ Anonymous #8:
    If that comment was pointed at me, I have several choice comments for YOU...
    1. "Get a life" is redundant; I am obviously alive (or a very good computer).
    2. I wasn't trying to be funny; I was merely commenting on Pocket's wonderful post and shirts. When I try to be funny, I actually am. Unlike now. See? Not funny.
    3. If you have nothing better to do than sit around and criticize unfounded, then you may as well go out and learn something useful... such as how spell and use grammar, for example. Go ahead and see if your brain has enough capacity to figure out which one you got wrong.

    P.S.: If that comment was not pointed at me, congratulations, and my apologies! You just got a free sample of my amazing anti-dissing skills! Haters just really, really annoy me. (Though they are good for sharpening one's mental claws, if you know what I mean.

  16. wow, pocket do you work out? sheesh. a.k.a big balls!

  17. awesome shirts, your logo looks great on white, you've done well! i would definitely buy one.

    and to the few biffing it out over the internet above, neck up. pocket doesn't HAVE to run this blog, which requires a ton of time and money, so how about leave something supportive or constructive or nothing at all.

  18. Nice. You can put me down for one of those.

    Maybe for other shirt designs you could incorporate some of those nifty banners you come up with.

  19. hi it's the dude below u bluefire (the one who called the person ABOVE YOU gay...) read the comment it's disturbing on many levels.........



  21. Everyone knows Jerm is pulling an April Fool joke. A poor joke attempt that is. He should stick to his day job XD

  22. underwear model not included

  23. As if everyone who reads this isn't nerdy enough................................................................................(minus a few people, meaning B. and T.)
