
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bluefire's writeup: Vortex Series vid 2

Soo.. you've all had time to watch and absorb the new Nerf Vortex series sneak peak- one of our solid readers Bluefire has put together a pretty indepth analysis of the vid which gives you a decent blow by blow idea of what's on offer. Have a read and interested in your thoughts (Thanks Bluefire!)

I watched the aforesaid video after I told you about it, and I want to point out a few things in now...
• At the beginning, all the blasters are showed - Gear Up (no surprises there, I'm assuming this is just for the benefit of those who didn't hear about the Toy Fair) and the Vortex. It may just be the camera angle, but all of Vortex seems much... well... shorter and stubbier than it did in the other video.

• From 0:07 to 0:09, the Vortex blaster at the bottom is what I assume is the Nitron... notice that it seems to hold an extra tube-clip in the back, Longshot-style.

• Around 0:11, we see a very clear view of the ammunition, near the left. Judging by the shadows, one of them seems to be upside-down, and have a dimple/concave dent in the middle. This seems much like a Frisbee to me (the leading edge producing the Bernoulli effect and creating better flight), and I see such disks throughout the video, so perhaps this is what they are talking about as to new "XLR disk" technology. Or is this new technology? I fancy that I haven't been around quite as long as you have, so you tell me.

• Also around 0:11, the ends of several blasters are visible. According to Pinky's analysis, this is the Proton, and we get much better views of it. Also, though, there seems to be a low, long, rectangular piece of plastic protruding at an odd spot above the barrel... Tactical rail, maybe?

• At 0:12, we get a better view of the (Nitron's?) foregrip. Interesting, but not exactly groundbreaking.

• From 0:12 to 0:22, we see our first in-depth film of the Proton's loading system. Interesting... it seems to load from directly in front of the priming handle, not from the barrel like the Nite Finder or its EX kin. However, the Proton does seem to be filling the Nite Finder's role of single-shot pistol as expected, and, if the video is anything to judge by, shares its disproportionate power as well.

• 0:22 to 0:24 showcases the only three Vortex loading systems we know of - the Proton's single-shot pull handle, the Vigilon's pop-out internal clip, and the Praxis and Nitron's tube-clips. Interesting methods, all... here's hoping my bet that they have N-Strike style loading designations is right!

• Around 0:23, we see what seems to be the Nitron again (I see a bit of foregrip at the left). On top is what seems to be a tactical-rail style accessory, which we have not seen previously. More support for my tactical rail theory, I hope... (As an aside, the end of it seems to be shaped suspiciously like another Vortex barrel... extra-shot add-ons, anyone? The Proton's mechanism might be narrow enough to fit.)

• Finally, at 0:25, the box for the Praxis is shown. Although we have all pretty much made up our minds that the only blaster fired in the first video is the Praxis (thanks to Pinky), I have one more bit of proof: If you look carefully, at the upper left-hand corner, you can see what appears to be the fingers of a hand curled in the shape suitable for a pump handle like the Praxis'. A bit blurry, I know, but...


  1. Hey Bluefire, it's Pinky.

    Way to get the jump on this one, and way to do it with style. I was just about to write the video up to send in, but you beat me to it. And I'm glad you did as you caught pretty much everything I did (including the frisbee-like shape of the discs).

    Some further observations I had:

    Based on the top-and-bottom shape of the disc ammo, I'm assuming that they're made of some rubbery material as it would be tough to get that shape produced in foam as well as because making the discs out of plastic would seem to be less than safe when the goal is to fire them at other people.

    Though the Proton seems to be loaded and primed at the same time, I'm wondering if it's not battery powered. I base this on the fact that there is a whole lot of gun going on beneath the barrel of the thing that seems like unnecessary plastic if the area is not holding a magazine or a battery pack.

    One more bit of conjecture that I went into was in relation to the first shot in the video, showing the N-Strike repaints alongside the Vortex Blasters. Like I said, this is all guesswork, so please take it with a grain of salt:

    The video starts with a shot of some repainted N-Strike blasters lined up beside some of the new Vortex blasters. On the N-Strike side, we have the Barricade, the Recon, and the Raider lined up opposite the Vigilon, Praxis, and the Nitron. This could be a simple size comparison, but--if we want to jump to conclusions--it could also be a hint at the capabilities and operation of the new vortex blasters. We know from the demonstration at the end of the last video that the Praxis can be manually primed and fired, and it is across from the Recon in this shot, which is a N-strike blaster that can be primed and fired manually. If we were to jump to conclusions, we might guess that the Vigilon, which is across from the Barricade, could be battery-operated. However, as the Nitron is positioned across from the Raider, if this placement is meant to indicate something about the style of the new blaster, my initial equation of the Nitron with the Stampede seems to be called into question.

    Also, you commented on the Longshot-like clip holder on the Nitron, but we also see the full Praxis, recon-style stock for the first time in this same shot. I would be willing to bet that it, too, can accommodate an extra clip.

    Oh, and Nerf Nation themselves have confirmed your suspicions about tactical rails and interchangeability with N-Strike on their Facebook page.

    Good work, mate :)

  2. Another awesome feature we can confirm about the new Nerf Vortex line? Most incorporate the same Tactical Rail system as Nerf N-Strike blasters – meaning that your Vortex and N-Strike accessories will be compatible with both lines. Get ready to take your Nerf collection to the next level. Keep your eyes on the page for more official info reveals on the Vortex lineup...there's much more to come.

    From Nerf's Facebook page

  3. On facebook nerf already confirmed that the Vortex blasters will have tactical rails and will take most attachments from N-Strike.

  4. At 24 seconds It is clearly notable that the Praxis is laying on it's side with the stock removed, clearly showing it is most likely compatible with N-Strike stocks as well (note the piece that the stock appears to attach on to). I also noticed these blasters feature ambidextrous controls; at 7 seconds yo see these blasters with each of their barrels facing to the right but the clip release, power switch, ect. can still clearly be seen. Then throughout the remainder of the video you see the buttons on the other side of the blasters as well.

  5. We can be sure that one or more are battery powered since on the Nerf Facebook page it says under the vortex blasters.
    "Batteries not included"
    My guess would be that all have to have some sort of battery system or a whole new system of plunger tubes, etc.

  6. @ Pinky:

    Thank you for your gracious congratulations, I was hoping you wouldn't be cross with me! After all, I know how I would have felt to be beaten to the mark like that... :) Thanks for not being sour! Many of your ingenious observations, though, were things I hadn't noticed at all, or thought of. So, some responses to your "further observations":

    I get that feeling too; the foam used for Nerf darts seems too light and flimsy for disk duty(especially since there is no rubber head to balance that.)

    The Proton question I think I can answer. The Nite Finder has, under the barrel, two tubes to hold extra darts. If the Proton is truly the equivalent of the Nite Finder, the same thing should apply. And the disks seem much less horizontally compact than darts, so I'm guessing they're held vertically (explaining the extra size.)

    Your conjecture about equivalents is very good! If the Vigilon was battery-operated like the Barricade, that would justify a greater price and size than the Maverick. Also, the piece where the slide would logically be - on top, like the Maverick - seemed strangely shaped for that type of duty. And there is an orange shape on top that seems perfect for a power switch... If it is semi-automatic, I am much more excited about it than I already was! And I don't think that your Stampede-Nitron comparison is TOO subject to question. "Gear Up" premiered at the TIA Toy Fair in New York, and there was no Gear Up Stampede there. And seeing as though it would be strange to put a normal Stampede in a video dedicated to Vortex (even Gear Up is a stretch), the Raider, as the closest Gear Up blaster to the Stampede, is the natural choice for a comparison.

    The idea that the Praxis' stock holds an extra tube-clip is brilliant, and very fitting; it would explain the Recon-but-not proportions it has.

    In all, a superb list of excellent observations and deductions!

    P.S.: I'm quite surprised to find that I'm right about the tactical rails. Well, not surprised that I'm right :p but surprised that it's been confirmed already, and surprised that I didn't notice it, when it was written clearly on the post before this one.

  7. I have to disagree with the note made:

    "the Vigilon's pop-out internal clip"

    The clip doesn't "pop out". That thing that goes down, and then they slap it close looks more like a sliding door, as the bulk of the magazine doesn't retract inside the main body of the blaster.

  8. Actually, Thorn, that's a very good point. Only the cover pops down, not the entire magazine, as you said. So now, what should we call it? A pop-open internal magazine?

  9. Is it just me or does there seem to be two triggers on the Nitron (the one with the fore grip)?

  10. Yes,
    there is a fore grip like the one on the raider cs-35 cocking handel.

  11. @Bluefire: We should call it an internal clip with a loading hatch. I think.

  12. That works. Lengthy, perhaps, but precise.

  13. If you look at the Nitron's instruction manual, it says there is an "acceleration trigger". Any ideas what that means? maybe it means higher speeds if it is full auto.
    Also, on the instruction manual, it shows that there is extra magazine storage in the stock.
    Plus, it shows there are 6 "C" batteries, so I'm guessing it is full auto.
    It also comes with an electronic scope...interesting...I wonder what it does...

  14. the acceleration trigger turns on the flywheel. the "useless" space in da proton is where the mechanics are & the vigilon is not anything like the barricade and that scope it has lights in it
