
Sunday, May 8, 2011

All Brands Catalogue : reveals upcoming Nerf Vortex

We've speculated on Nerf's upcoming Vortex blasters and now, courtesy of some awesome intel from one of our readers Joshrox123, we've got the official names matched to the blasters (as well as some first look images of the official blasters) , courtesy of "All Brands Toys" online industry catalogue. 

The other official news we can tell you is the ammo refills are coming in packs of eight. Nifty:)

Thanks Joshrox123!

All Brands Catalogue :: Nerf Vortex Praxis
All Brands Catalogue- Nerf Vortex Nitro
All Brands Catalogue- Nerf Vortex Vigilon
All Brands Catalogue-Nerf Vortex Proton


  1. Thank me ... no thank you!

  2. Yeesh. They look pretty stubby and horrible. The Vigilon and Nitron in particular look horribly short, the Nitron's buttstock looks far too long, and that top attachment looks mediocre. If that attachment is a single shot on a tac-rail, awesome! And those handles look too curved for my taste.

    So, to sum up, awesome colour scheme, great concepts (possibly), and they look terrible. Unless they fire as far a as a sniper rifle (exaggeration for you trolls), then I'm not getting them.

    Then again, if these pics have been shortened and they're actually a lot longer, then great!

    I still think that the Nitron looks terrible.

  3. A@@ hole. They look awesome!

  4. Holy Bajeebus! Look at the Nitron's stock! It's like 2 feet long!

    It better be adjustable...

  5. The shots won't fly fast, and will get carried by the wind, but they will go super far! I will buy them just to try them. I wonder what kind of modding potential these have.

  6. I personally hope the tactical rail attachment is a one shot thing! that would be awesome and I would buy it for that alone! though the gun would be nice also. Just random specualtions on what else it could be... nope... nothing came to mind. I vote one shot attachment!!

  7. I hope the praxis has slamfire!!!!!!!!

  8. does anybody know what the silver thing under the barrel of the proton is?

  9. I just got my hands on a Swarmfire, just as you guys posted this. I just can't win. Looks like another nerf gun I'm gonna be waiting and biting my nails for. :P

    --That One Dude--

  10. very interesting. cant wait to try em out.

    thanks joshrox and UT

  11. The linked pages show the Nitron's name as Nitro... is that a misspelling on their part?

  12. I think the pictures are slightly distorted, look at the vigilon, it looks squished from what it looks like in the vortex videos

  13. I think the silver thing under the Proton's barrel is the disk storage for extra disks.

  14. I can't wait to get the Vigilon. It looks really cool.

  15. praxis is the best.
    hope it has slam fire capabilities

  16. I agree with harupia, the pictures look nothing like the scale we saw in the Vortex videos. I wouldn't judge them by these images at all, as the frames are all about the same height and length. And since we know that these blasters aren't all the same size, it seems more likely that we're looking at distortion inflicted by this "All Brands Toys" website to make the pictures fit in the allotted space. Hate it when that happens :)

  17. Did anyone else notice on the site these were advertised they all come in packs of 2?

  18. i believe the nitron will be $50,
    the paxis to be $29,
    the vigilon to be $18,
    the proton to be $11,
    and somethings we haven't seen yet are the: NERF Vortex Ammo Refills and NERF Vortex Mission which should be $4 and $9, we don't know what the mission is.

  19. AND take a look at the nitron, there is what looks like a 2nd trigger below the normal trigger, it can be clearly seen in the 2nd video when it is laying on the floor. what does it do?

  20. Vigilon... More like "Takemymoneylon" :P

  21. yeah, i know, $18 for something that will be like the speedload 6, where as the quick 16 was the one that costs $20

  22. @ harupia - comment #2: Well, N-Strike has been having Mission Kits for a while - the Tactical Light, Pinpoint Sight, etc... Perhaps this is their equivalent (the "Kit" might have gotten cut off...)The price would fit right as well - about 9 dollars.

    And another theory - Vortex was a surprisingly well-kept secret, and we had only one piece of real intel until Nerf saw fit to tell us more. At the time, I wondered if everything else we've ever gotten has been leaked to us on purpose, and if we weren't just being used as free publicity (not that anyone would have minded, though!) However, until Nerf's official statement that N-Strike would continue, I was a bit concerned, as we had had no leaks whatsoever concerning N-Strike for a very long time. Now, however... I am wondering if the large amount of leaks regarding Dart Tag, and now the "releases" of Vortex intel, are distracting us from things regarding N-Strike we shouldn't see. After all, if Nerf expects these lines to coexist, N-Strike had better be pretty spectacular for 2012...

  23. @ harupia-comment #3:
    Yes, I see it too! Wonder why no one ever called that out. Very few modern Nerf guns have had more than one trigger (the Unity Power System and the Longshot are the only ones that come to mind), so I wonder what the second feature will be... Perhaps, since the Stampede was not, despite its looks, the Spartan, trigger #2 on the Nitron will be some sort of burst-fire mechanism! That would be gratifying...

    Also, what is the point of that stock? Nerf is never frivolous with styling, which is what sets it ahead of such companies as Lanard and Buzzbee. So that super-long stock must have some function... OH! We saw that the back of the Nitron's stock can hold a clip, Longshot-style. And Harupia just found a second trigger...... Perhaps the clip in the back can actually be FIRED from, fed through that ridiculous stock and out the barrel! That would explain the second trigger...

  24. in terms of n-strike, i am looking forward to maybe a grenade launcher, a plunger setup shotgun (PAS) not so much the double barrel, possibly a burst fire gun (if it is even possible), and then i am not sure, i bet we will get more recon copies, but if we do i hope they are still good.

  25. At anon #1, 3rd comment from top:
    Ever heard of an opinion? Because that's mine. Personally I think that they're horrid, but I'm pretty sure many people think otherwise.

  26. I stumbled across the pics on the All Brands toys website and thought I found something new. I should of known you was already on it Pocket. The guns look great.

  27. P13c30fch33s3 i got an opinion too!!!

  28. Just a bit of speculation...

    The photos are probably not to scale, neither was the first vortex reveal video.

    The bottom area of the proton could either be its firing mechanism, or perhaps a storage space for extra disks. Chances are that it is the firing mechanism, given that there isn't much space anywhere else for it to be. It also should be there, as for the other blasters, the firing mechanism seems to be directly in front of where you load the disks.

    The vigilon is possibly electric/automatic. The batteries might be placed in the back section right above the handle. If it were manual though, that section would be the primer. I personally think it is manual, as such a small quantity of disks would be fired off pretty quickly in auto.

    Lastly, the nitron, the supposed flagship of the vortex. It certainly does look like it has two triggers, perhaps the second one might activate the tactical rail attachment. It probably is a one shot vortex disk device, but it could also be an aiming sight, although to me it doesn't really look like one. Also, notice that the hind part of the nitron has an orange priming handle of sorts, similar to the charging handles of most modern rifles. If you could attach a second clip to the back, perhaps it is the priming handle to fire that one, which would also explain the second trigger. Looks like the nitron will have quite a few more features than the rest.

    Also, the mission kits could be related to the attachment on top of the nitron. If it is a one shot vortex disc device, then Nerf might sell them separately. It should be fun to attach one to the front of a recon; fans would get their long desired "Nerf grenade launcher".

  29. Well just because someone's opinion is different doesn't mean you have to insult them.
    Like I said, I'm pretty sure most people think they look awesome. In the first 'first look' vid, the blasters looked well proportioned. Then the second vid ruined them.

    Oh, and Pocket, you've probably seen them already, but Jerm's posted on some new X-Shot blasters which look pretty cool.

  30. @ Anonymous #11:

    Nerf fans have been hoping for a single shot Tactical Rail accessory for a while, and by the look of the Proton, the mechanism is now small enough to be minimized and be placed on a Tactical Rail. Personally, I'd love to put one on an N-Strike blaster, and so gain both functionalities in one blaster. But... I won't speak for the Mission Kit, but why would a full-auto blaster such as the Nitron come with a single shot attachment?

  31. I doubt the vigilon is automatic. It looks like it has the same way to prime it as the maverick does. but I agree with who ever said it looks like the launching mechanisms are in front of the clips.

    On the second video you clearly see a second clip in the stock of the nitron at 6 and 7 seconds. and also at 12 seconds. and that farthest back green area on the pic is actually red in the videos. weird huh? Also at 9 seconds on the first video, the back is red again.

    Also the second trigger may just be for automatic firing. The red thing above the trigger is for the clip release I believe. (since it shows the clip releasing on the vigilon with that in the first video, and also the praxis has one, but neither of them are automatic) So instead of having it be for the automatic blasting (like the switch on the stampeded) you possibly just hold down both triggers for it to fire automatically, or just the regular trigger for semi auto (one shot for each trigger pull, no priming required) though I still have no idea what the red thing on top is for.

    At 9 and 10 seconds (in second vid) you see the front of the proton, and it kinda looks like it can be opened. its got a little red thing sticking out right under the barrel, but thats just what I think. Dunno what the purpose of that would be. maybe just to hold a few discs since we have already seen that it loads from the back.

  32. Nitron with a new Paint job = Straight out of Modern Warfare 3

  33. modern warfare 3 isn't even out yet lol.... it will be out later this year probably.

  34. keep in mind that disk shooters are not new, they have been around for a while.

  35. Hi guys I just found this on nerf website when I searched "nerf vortex"!!!

    ... Whats the new scope tech? Anyone know?

  36. With the release of this series, it seems that we now have 4 classes of blaster in each series:

    Assault RIfles (Automatics): Stampede/Swarmfire/Nitron

    Pump-Action Rifles: Alpha Trooper/Quick 16/Praxis

    Multishot Pistols: Maverick/Speedload 6/Vigilon

    Single Shot Pistols: Nitefinder/Sharpshot/Proton

    Also, before you start flaming, I know there are more N-strike blasters than
    just these 4. I just chose the closest matches for the class in the other 2 series
