
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Indigo Studios Case Study: Nerf

Now here's something interesting. Indigo Studios are a design studio in Atlanta Georgia (My favourite town!) who appear to be responsible for designing the current packaging for Nerf. They've got a case study on the process on how they design the images for the boxes on their site. 

It's an interesting read, but what I'm really liking in the case study is they actually make reference to 1)The Whiteout series, and 2) have a look at the last two images of their CAD designs.. one's a Vortex Proton.. the other.. yup big ballz Stampede 50 round drum.. :P 

Please don't hound them for more product information; they're designers, not manufacturers. 


  1. Notice the dual-drum mag in both stampede CGI pics...

  2. Think that's what he meant by "big ballz" :P

  3. is that gonna be like 60 drum mag??? or 50? that is intense!!! will be heavy though :P but still lighter than the vulcan

  4. Funny, we're going to Atlanta in a couple of weeks to celebrate my 30th birthday by riding roller coasters at Six Flags until we can't see straight. =D

  5. the 50 drum mag was a pre-release concept. nobody really knows why it didn't come out, but it was probably due to it being both too large and heavy for the blaster to support and too complex and therefore expensive to make. they'd already designed the 18 dart clips as part of a mission kit that included the blast shield, so they just combined the two. but yeah, a 50 drum mag looks like it's not going to ever actually exist.

    (note: prerelease sites had descriptions of the stampede saying it could "fire 50 darts without reloading", and early version of the blaster had the name "ecs-50" (which changed to just ecs) and had a slightly different design of 18 clip. coincidence? i think not.)

  6. Funny, I'm sitting in Atlanta posting this right now!

  7. For those who missed the page.
    Google cache to the rescue.

  8. I can't see the case study anymore! Anyone have a new link?
