
Friday, May 27, 2011

Nerf Gear Up Official images: Nerf Nation/Facebook

Gear Up Raider CS-35. Lil' green thing included:)
Nerf have posted official images of their upcoming limited edition Gear Up blaster repaints on their official Facebook page. What's a very clever marketing move is they appear to throw in a sample of the upcoming new Vortex range disc ammo. I'm not quite sure why the Raider is featured here with whistler darts rather than streamlines, but that might just be a promo image faux pas:)

I have to admit, they may just be repaints of blasters I already own (and I have multiples of all of many Maverick and Recon variants does one person need!).. but I'll be shellin' out the $$ AGAIN for them. They look TRICK.
Gear Up Recon CS-6

Gear Up Barricade RV-10

Gear Up Maverick REV-6


  1. >DROOL< Those like, in one word, AWESOME. Not sure why they're giving out discs, but those darts look pretty cool. Now I can actually get a Raider! :P

  2. I have the sudden urge for another raider

  3. What on earth is that green thing?

  4. The fourth Raider stock variant... and the sixth Maverick! And, for me, another reason to love the Barricade. (No matter how loud or chunky, I love it! Perfect for a quick shootout... and with one in each hand... ;p)

  5. I'm pretty sure that those discs are the ammo for the Vortex line.

  6. What's the green thing? He just said they throw in a sample of the vortex ammo. Read the post!

  7. maybe i will get another barricade since mine is now a clip using one that isn't the most reliable thing, plus it looks cool and seeing the disk might be interesting

  8. While I like the black stripes, I just wish they weren't so... orange. Other blaster colorations have much more variation to them (orange tips/buttons, gray/metallic details, etc) and these seem very two-tone. Granted, other versions like the clear and sonic series suffer from this issue too, but those at least had transparency that made 'em neat.

  9. Oh yeah, if you've noticed, the Raider's streamlines are loaded in the drum.

  10. yeah ive heard that the green disk is the vortex ammo

  11. P13c30fch33s3,

    The gear up series actually do fire whistlers. They come with the striped whistlers and what you see is the whistler darts as hasbro uses the same foam material for all their darts (except for the special red or firefly ammo etc.). Don't believe me? Here's a link
