
Friday, May 27, 2011

Time to Play- Dart Zone Quickfire 12 + Gattling Blaster

We admit here at Urban Taggers we tend to pay out the Time to Play vids a lot- maybe because they tend to look so awkward when reviewing their blasters. That being said, we actually quite like this one for the new Dart Zone Quickfire 12- its informative and pretty good. (but I think we've just been influenced by the fact it's a pretty lady:)..)

This one.. not so much:)


  1. It's not because she's pretty or a lady, it's because she seems comfortable reviewing the blaster and knows what she's on about. The guy just looks embarassing. Sorta like my Dad.

  2. I hope the girl is there because they fired the dude, man he is so bad, stealing a line from terminator and looking bad can't go together, but i like the girl, she doesn't see confused

  3. Whoah, the Quickfire 12 has a speedload function- just pop out the empty dart cylinder and slap in a new one. Now where would I find it... it looks halfway decent, actually! That, and the lady does know what she is talking about. Or she is just reading off the back of the box...

  4. In making the Quickfire 12, dartzone or prime time seems to have waited and watched what nerf put out. They have included a second turret, and the barrels rotate when it is primed, but it retains six shots. Also, it allegedly doesn't have air restrictors. If it gets good range and is solid, (to me it seems to like it's not as cheap as some other non-nerf blasters) then I'd say it's an improvement over the Maverick and Spectre. As for the gatling blaster, it's like the other gatling gun by airzone, but from what I researched, the airzone punisher is 40 dollars and has a 30 dart belt, while the blaster in the video is 50 dollars (as qouted by time to play) and has a 25 dart belt. Why is that strange man wearing a bright pink shirt? They should just use the lady for all of their reviews, she isn't as uncomfortable or weird as Pink Shirt. ^@anonymous-same with my dad.

  5. Hasta Vista Gattling Gun. The Vulcan can fire 3 darts a second! Which means it finishes it's belt in 8.3 seconds!

    Dart Zone is such a copy cat for Nerf. Though, the removable barrel is priddy swit!(that line does not belong to me but to UT)

  6. Every video I have watched of the Gatling Blaster a dart skips....
