
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Max Force: Official Commercial

Check out the latest Max Force official commercial...lookin' pretty sweet.


  1. Wow, these are looking really awesome! I love the dudes at the end in all the super-soldier kit. I am totally going to have to get some of these =D

  2. Motorcycle armor suits and PVC Paintball/airsoft gloves... I actually own a pair of those gloves (in green). It was amusing to see them used in the commercial.

    I'm wondering what the weight is like on these blasters. Doesn't seem like there's much to them.

  3. Haha... halo fan-boi.

  4. These guns look amazing. They're huge too!

  5. I just see them as being reshells for Nerf guns-be interested to see the internals.

  6. That balloon stunt seems quite impressive. (I'm certainly impressed that the model didn't even flinch! Wonder how many balloons that shot took. ;p) I wonder how close the blaster was to the balloon. I assume it would be at fairly close range, or the projectile had something hard or sharp in it - it would be quite hard to pop otherwise. However, the audience is not expected to think of that - which creates a rather counterproductive situation. That little clip certainly achieves the desired effect with children and fearless taggers like us (Ooooh! I can blow up water balloons with it! ;p), but may create a very different effect with concerned parents and their wallets. Not knowing, perhaps, the probable capability and force of these blasters, they may exclaim, "Oh, no! If that thing can explode a water balloon at 100 feet, what might it do to my child at closer range?" Hence, no sale. Kind of a bad sales decision, seeing as though they're driving this "safe paper ammo" thing a lot.

  7. And a couple more observations:
    Firstly, the shot at 0:09 is another instance of counter-productivity - the target being pounded with spitballs is meant to be displaying the accuracy of the blasters. However, only one actually hits dead-center, the majority are grouped to the lower left of the center (consistent INaccuracy is always a bad sign), and one nearly misses the target altogether: it blew itself apart on the upper right-hand rim! And this trying to showcase accuracy... ;p
    Secondly, I notice that from 0:10 to 0:11, the models are jumping (and front-flipping) over... ah... an orange, accordioned plastic tube! Except for the color... look familiar? ;p

  8. What are your thoughts on these blasters Pocket? A real contender or just another wannabe?
