
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Our first birthday!! Urban Taggers

I just found this pic on the net. cool eh?
Happy Birthday to us! or.. to UT!:P A year ago from today, we decided we'd create a humble lil' blog on our love of out-of-the-box toy blasters. We weren't modders, we weren't into wars; we were just "grown ups" who were sick the day they taught "stop playing with toys" at grown up school:) We never would have expected our blog would have extended into a community, and we'd be so well read not just locally, but around the world. I'm humbled by it all and really do say a warmfelt THANKS to all of you who've taken the time to visit and read our ramblings! We've made many friends along the way-props to my man Neil from the Canberra + Southern NSW Dart Tag crew- we've become good friends through all of this  and while we have a different ethos on blasters we're proud to have put Canberra, Australia on the map for something other than politicians and porn:)

Urban Taggers: Apartment Warfare is the product of almost every friend I had coming over to my lil' inner city apartment, and would say "what is THAT?" to the Vulcan EBF I had on display in my living area. They may have been teachers, lawyers, IT professionals, whatever; the moment they saw that blaster their eyes lit up and they were back in roleplay imagination mode:) 

Anyway, there's not much else to this post other than thanks again for reading and look forward to the next 12 months ahead! After the jump we've just compiled from the net a quick pic spam of.. Nerf birthday cakes. Just because:P

 of those home "designs" from fans made it to cake form.. :P


  1. Thanks, UT, for your contributions to the Tagging community. Amidst all the cake, I'd like to make a toast to the continued success of your wonderful blog! Here's to you, Urban Taggers!

  2. Happy birthday, sweet CAKES!I love the top longshot one

  3. Mmmm, cake-darts...

    Well done U.T, definitely one of the greatest Nerf blogs around! I hope the success continues for a long time to come!

  4. Hopefully the first year of many!
    good luck for the future!
    and this IS the BEST intel on stock nerf that has EVER been on the internet PERIOD.
    where were you when i was younger and really into nerf!?
    keep up the A-Maze-ing work!


  5. Jason from Basic Nerf here,

    Congrats Pocket! We really appreciate the time, effort, and money you put into this.

  6. i think the fact that you guys at UT are not modders and don't really attend wars actually appeals to a wider reader base... coz the majority of people who buy nerf never actually attend wars or mod their stuff either! :-)

  7. Congratulations for Club Nerf EspaƱa!!
    Your blog is awesome and my blog and your blog helps me to be able to teach Spanish nerfers what will happen and things that are new to Nerf.

  8. happy birthday UT! i live in Australia too and was overjoyed to find one of my favorite blogs was Australian! totally got it in this post
    so thanks for sticking round and being kidults
