
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Whiteout Deploy CS-6.. priddy

Whiteout Deploy CS-6. Awesome.
Spotted on the Canberra and Southern NSW Dart Tag Facebook page. Possibly via Whiteout just looks awesome. Thanks Neil for the heads up!


  1. i think it looks cool but i never liked the deploy anyways

  2. Really cool. Reminds me of a gun from Mass Effect.

  3. :O And I thought the Longstrike looked good in Whiteout.

  4. every gun looks way better in whiteout. i love it

  5. I am sooooo buying that! by the way pocket which whiteout do you like so far?


  6. Well, there's no chance of passing that off as a flashlight now! ;p I think that Nerf chose some really good blasters for Whiteout. The Maverick was a given, and the Nite Finder was logical (for those who can't get a Maverick or want something smaller/simpler), but the Deploy and LongStrike... two underrated, underloved and rather unnoticed blasters now have a truly astounding paintjob as their claim to fame. And in my opinion, they also chose the ones that look best in it.

  7. @Bluefire absolutely agree- the two underrated blasters that arguably have some of the best aesthetics get the Whiteout treatment and look amazing.

    It's(the Whiteout series) definitely a real hit and it'd be nice to see more blasters in this repaint; it's probably too early but imagining the AT, Stampede and the tease of the Spectre would just be fantastic.

  8. After all this, I'm starting to imagine how cool could be when they start repainting the Vortex series. If they are cool like this, imagine them in new outfits.

    Red and blue series, for example. Hmmmmmmmm.

  9. @ Pocket Esq.:
    Yes, if I had to choose three more, it would be those three as well. Especially the Spectre: like the Deploy and LongStrike, it is not exactly popular but is fairly good-looking... Personally, though, I'd add the Vulcan to that wish list. It is old technology compared to the Stampede, but I always had a soft spot for it, and I see those circle/target insignias as looking pretty slick on such a layered surface.

  10. I wounder what the box is like?

  11. wait a minute.. I thought these were Max Force.

  12. where did u get it!
