
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Light Strike: it's here! Well.. sort of. Attachments pics

 A stroll down my local Target had a dude stocking the shelves with the new Light Strike gear, ready for the upcoming toy sale for the 22nd. No blasters it seems which I thought was kinda dumb, although they HAVE been spotted in other Targets around the country (one of our readers even picked up a set- his initial responses here) but what's good to see is it sounds like the FULL kit is being released; the rifles AND pistols including all variants, all attachments and the vests and targets. To be honest I'll probably take a hit and purchase a few blasters at full price the moment they're available just so I can review them for you all, but otherwise it's worth waiting for a few weeks and getting them for cheaper...

This isn't like Nerf folks, sales are gonna be your friend if Light Strike is your bliss. If you think about it this way- a pistol rifle full price will be 79, each attachment goes for around 19 (so chances are you'll probably want at LEAST one, but probably all four), a vest (which is more than just more targets to shoot but a shield as well) is full price at 39.. Then you have batteries as well, you probably will want to pick up pistols too, and extra targets to set up a home arena experience. Realistically speaking, just for a ONE player kit, you're budgeting around 200 bucks.. Now you need a second set for when friends come around. And if you want real fun.. you'll want a team.. also not assuming you're a collector and need all three variants..

WowWee may be thinking they're pretty damn clever coming up with so much kit, but the big question is going to be whether our home market is really ripe to pay those sorts of prices for that kind of kit.  (you can get change from a hundred for two Longshots and a box of darts)

Anyway, enough about the costs! That's why I have a day job! More attachments pics after the jump.

The rapid fire attachment. Comes with a foldable bipod.

The scope. it doesn't physically magnify, but does double your blaster's range.

The scope- undercarriage

Basically the "wide angle" lense shot gun. More damage, wider spread.

Motion sensor/scanner. Basically picks up on enemies in the vicinity.

Sensor under carriage


  1. Wow i am extremely humbled that you guys posted a link to my blog! Hopefully it was/will be informative to those of you who read it! the attachments look great will have to get at least a couple of them for sure!

  2. You guys are such nerds. Urban Taggers? get a life. Or a girlfriend. you little nerdy blog offends me.

  3. @Anonymous then why do you check it out

  4. Dude, if you don't like it, don't join it. So you don't like it. Big. Deal. We don't have to know.

  5. ^Haha and you felt the need to post on it. People like you, who obviously don't have high IQs, actually think that other people will care when they post a comment like that. Your comment did make me laugh for a second. You owe me a second plus the time it took to write this. As for the light strike, the attachments are a good idea but kind of expensive.

  6. U MAD BRO? trollface.jpg

    Can't wait to get my hands on this stuff. Can not wait at all!

  7. He has a girl friend, and a Hot one at that!!

  8. is this guy (anon #1) joking? Or is he just a dumb asshole?

  9. These attachments look awesome and i think ill want a refractor and scope

  10. You should probably delete the first anon post before he/she starts an arguement.

    Anyways I wanted to know if the sensor actually worked or not.

  11. Well I'm sure you must have a life and a girlfriend because you spend all day looking for sites that you don't like so you can post about your awesomeness.

  12. Little anonymous tough guy comments on the internet amuse me.

    But seriously, just play paintball. Cheaper and more realistic and easier to find people to play. Please tell me its not banned in Australia :(

  13. You're an idiot. He's married, and if you had a life you would be doing something better than hating on a blog.

  14. Whoah! Apologies; normally I am pretty meticulous about removing trolls in the comments moderation part but occasionally one slips through (damn late night viewings on my phone). As always, appreciate the defence but as always, just let this one go and stick to topic. I'd delete it NOW, but then everyone's comments would have no context. Ahh well. What's a bit of troll bashing once in a while:)

    Just cos I can't resist though.. It's true I can't get a girlfriend. Well.. I could.. but then chances are I'd probably no longer have a fiancee if I did:P

  15. Anon #1 You have gotten owned! Why does light strike have to be so expensive! Are you relating to Aussie currency or US? I live in Canada.

  16. I'm pretty sure whenever Urban Taggers refers to $$, theyre talking about Australian dollars, unless they specify. And I bet it's much cheaper in America.. it always is.

  17. Anonymous #1, this is just sad. Do you just wander around blogspot just to tell people that you hate it? :D That post actually made me laugh out loud. And as for light strike, I've really been waiting for this for a while, and the lag of intel from the launch trailer till now was grueling. Anyway, thanks again for the info, Pocket!

    --That One Dude--

  18. I am jealous you guys are getting all this stuff before the US. I know you guys usually get the short end of the stick with nerf guns and such, but so far you have the White Out line, Max Force, and Light Strike. I have yet to see any of this state side. TRU has the Max Force blow gun and 150 ammo pack listed on website, but have yet to see anything in store.

  19. do u know if u can put more than one attachment at a time

  20. 2 attachments. One aim attachment, one firing attachment.

  21. I have the STRIKER D.C.P.-013 its awesome can't wait for more different blasters to hit the shelf
