
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Light Strike: Weapon of choice?

An interesting move by WowWee's Light Strike laser tag line was to release three different "Assault Strikers" that featured the same functionality but distinctly different designs (as well as a unique voice feedback for each blaster- choose between 80's robot voice, admiral ackbar, or female cafeteria manager;P..). I assume these designs will be tied into the upcoming "Light Strike Arena" show, but given the blasters do the same thing, from a consumer point of view it's going to be all down to personal choice. For me, the yellow SR-143 is my "Striker" of choice. What's yours? (or what will be yours?)


  1. Still a bit new, haven't seen them in my local stores yet. I personally like the red one. Looks kind of shot gun looking.

  2. I like the look of the red one. Which voice does it have?

  3. Red one is Admiral Ackbar-esque I think:P

    ITS A TRAP! :P

  4. I have liked the G.A.R.-023 from day one. So will be getting that one. Although I could have sworn I saw a version with blue handles and trim back when you fist posted photos. I can't find it know so I am guessing it's a combination of my overactive imagination and my desire to have a gin with blue trim. I am surprised they didn't decided to make four guns each in a color specific to team colors.

    1. i saw a blue one too it looked awsome but iv been looking for it for a while now i dont even no if it is real

    2. i saw a blue one too it looked awsome but iv been looking for it for a while now i dont even no if it is real

    3. i saw a blue one too it looked awsome but iv been looking for it for a while now i dont even no if it is real ;0

  5. I dig the orange one, especially the bottom clip and the stock. At 45 bucks in the US, I'm not sure on getting these.

  6. I love these things, but 45 bucks is way out of my budget for a real game. Anyway, would you mind giving us some video on these, Pocket? Thanks.

    --That One Dude--

  7. Problay the orange one.
    The yellow one looks like an over grown pistol
    The red one looks like it needs a stock.

  8. The orange one for me (I think the GAR). It has an overall balanced look, similar to the Turbofire. It also looks like a modern assault rifle (sort of). The Red one looks to me like a Longstrike without stock (ie fail) and the Yellow one looks like a big pistol hand cannon. Also, the Red one looks like an alien style weapon - a styling I dislike.

    Not that I'm going to get any Light Strike stuff.

  9. i just bought one from targets toy saleand it is awsomeeee

  10. team matches are amazing with these light strike

  11. the hand guns are 30 and the assault strikers are 40.... i bit pricie when you pair it up with the vest... but they do work well and are a lot of fun... worth it for 3 plus players...

  12. I could have sworn I saw a blue not orange assault striker in the video on youtube called: Light Strikes. I never saw a blue colored assault striker in stores but maybe its being worked on.

  13. I think I will get the G.A.R. 0.23 because I like the style and the brown/orange culour. I don't like the alien one or the yellow one. The alien is a bit well wierd and the yellow is a bit too squarey. SO G.A.R. 0.23!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I got the red one on sale it rocks are the vest that usefull though??

  15. i love the orange rifle. i got four pistols from day one and i thought i got 3 yellow and 1 red but i got 2 yellow one red and 1 orange pistol. the orange is the most accurate and best feeling and the red iss the worst accurate but the second best feeling. the yellow is standard. then i got an orange rifle and fell in love. it doesnt feel tacky it feels great. buy them!

  16. My husband and I got this for our son and I am having a hard time pairing the weapons to the vest. I have followed the instructions. Does anyone have any advice for this?

  17. I got both the orange and yellow. I really love the feel of the orange gun. the reload button feels very natural, and has a very comfortable over all feeling. I also like the female voice. The yellow seems to be very uncomfortable to me... and heavier. I do, on the other hand, like the "droid" voice. Yes... it sounds almost exactly like the voice of the droid phones. Pretty neat. Too bad it's so bulky and uncomfortable. I'm curious to try the red "alien" one... looks like an interesting design.

  18. I have the red pistol and my little bro. has the yellow. After an arguement my mom had to settle(how embarrassing) we discovered that my gun requires more precision because of the IR sender's location(we assume). But what pisses me off is that you'd think it would be harder for me to get hit, well your wrong. Fortunatlely i have a system that lets me win regardless.
    1.Set to pulse strike
    2.activate shield
    3.rush to brothers location and go all out.

    im hoping to get the red rifle and rapid fire add on, although i do have the ITS

  19. goob guns hope they come out wth a hand gernade though
