
Friday, July 15, 2011

Nerf Scout IX-3- now in N-Strike colours

One of the most popular single shot blasters has to be the Nerf Scout IX-3. It comes with the Titan + the Hornet in the Unity Power System in the dark red and grey schemes, but it's been a rare thing to be able to get them on their own (at least in Australia I've never seen them sold seperately) Availability is still uncertain at this stage, but given this pic sent to me is it in a box, I'd say it should be available.. States side soon? (When it comes to THIS sorta thing, US always gets it first.)

This looks pretty good though.. what do you think folks.. does the N-Strike yellow do the Scout justice?


  1. PERFECT!!!!!!! I don't care for colour, I can just go custom, where'd you find this?

  2. Ahh the Scout. Arguably one of the best looking Pistol Designs for the N-Strike Line.

    The Scout not only came in Red for the Unity Power System, but also came in Blue with a Titan (no Hornet) and in a metallic green/blue with a Dart Target. Seeing it in Yellow is slick and getting it in a 2 pack is even better! Any idea if this is retailer specific? Or is this a general release?

  3. Hurrah! Finally, Scouts without having to get the Titan pack!

  4. Wow! The scout looks fantastic in N-Strike garb. I'm definitely getting a pack of those.

  5. How powerful is the Scout? I mean, I've got single-shot pistols coming out of my ears, but is the Scout powerful enough to be worth getting? How mod-able is it?

  6. I heard these things are actually for sale in the Philippines...

  7. when will these be in the states??????????????

  8. Maniacal laugh!!! Can't wait for this! :)

  9. This pistol was seriously the only reason I even considered getting the Unity Power System. It totally wasn't worth the price.

    I hope these things show up Stateside soon; I'd finally have a reliable quick draw backup. Something tells me however that the things are going to be Toys R' Us exclusives, and their going to be expensive.

  10. Sweeet. I can't wait to get my hands on them, hopefully they aren't too expensive. also i wonder if it will still have the button on top that lets it be fired like the original scouts.

  11. ^The scouts do look like they have the fire button on top.
    I think these are a good idea, but I still like the original paint job.

  12. Max: Scouts are not very powerful, and have very little mod potential. They're basically like the crossfire, but a little weaker and (in my experience) more fragile. If you already have several pistols, I'd recommend against getting scouts.

  13. what the? one person in my country already got a Yellow Scout before 2011, i even saw it infront of my eyes, maybe this existed years ago?

  14. Any intel on when they'll be available (in the US) Or how much they'll cost? I really need some Nerf sidearms....

  15. @ Anonymous #6

    It couldn't have been; perhaps it was a custom paintjob. On the box, you see the new 2011 styling and graphics, so it is rather unlikely that it could have existed before 2011. The blaster you saw being an "acquired" concept is similarly unlikely - seeing as though it is just a repaint of an old mold, seven months of development were certainly not necessary

  16. Ah... the Scout. I ended up getting the Hulk pack so i didn't get the darn thing. I am happy i can get it now without getting a whole other Titan and Hornet.

  17. Would be great to know abot the Price and the Realease... Please someone find it out!!!!!

  18. Someone please investigate and let us know where and wen they come to stores in the US and Canada please :)

  19. Can you ask whoever sent you these photos where they got them from?

  20. Danget, Pocket, when do they come out?!!! WE NEED TO KNOW

  21. those look awesome o.0 i want... way cooler than the nightfinder... its like an upgraded reflex. I hope its just as modable. and its like the sharp shot except N strike themed... D: I want now...

  22. i have info
    it comes from a toys r us pic it costs about 20 canadian and 21 american you can easily find them at toys r us in the nerf section there like elements they will be on the bottom or next to bottom shelf i saw them but didint get them so yah

  23. bought them but disappointed... seem poor quality :o plastic is not the usual N-strike stuff, has a weird texture and seems week, painting seems a little off (not precise, not even, etc.) and the handle is uncomfortable, but all that is just my opinion. ranges about same as any other stock nerf gun.

  24. I am considering to get this, but I personally like the red color scheme better, but since I don't have a scout and I want one, I will have to go with these.

  25. I found these in Singapore, and i'm gonna buy it.

  26. these are by far my favorite nerf pistols, i just love the way they look and the detail on them. I have only one that I've modded and painted and i have to say it looks sick but I could never find them sold by themselves. Now this is great because not only do you get one, but two!

  27. anyone knows where i can find these in Singapore?
