
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nerf Vortex: Praxis drop clip issues

Of the four Nerf Vortex blasters, my clear favourite would have to the be Praxis. It looks tuff, performs beautifully and has a mad pump action mechanism. That being said, it's also the blaster I have been hearing the most amount of issues with, namely a rather bizarre quirk of the clip dropping out after firing the blaster.  Not ALL of them do this I might add- the majority of fans seem to find their Praxis' are working fine, but so far I've counted more than 17 instances reported of the same drop clip problem from posts, emails and comments, so I decided to test this out for myself and on top of the Praxis I already have.. I went out and bought.. two more. (That's what I do for you all folks!)

Having tested the 3 Praxis', one of them seemed perfectly fine and yet to have any issues; however the OTHER two seem to suffer from the occasional "drop clip" on pulling the trigger. It's not a constant thing, and also was not something I could easily replicate given I didn't know why it was doing it in the first place.  I had a play with wiggling the safety/clip release switch, mucked about with how hard I pulled the trigger, angle of the blaster when firing.. but nope, still couldn't get it to do it again. Until I least expected it to:P

To be honest, until I can really get to the bottom of this problem (ie anyone wanna enlighten us on why this is happening?!) I think the easiest solution is if you buy one and your does this.. take it back and exchange it for another It's still a great blaster though and I still believe it's our Vortex blaster of choice- but just like some of you reported amazing stock distances from Alpha Troopers and some of you reported.. dismal dribbles, it's just one of those "see what we get" instances:P


  1. Thanks for going to such lengths to look into this issue. No problems on mine! However, I think you just made all the folks who don't even have ONE Praxis incredibly jealous!

  2. No problems on mine, its great, definitely worth the 28 from BigW

  3. Good to know I wasn't the only one. Kept happening to me but I threw out the receipt:( My friend had one too and his also did it but he got to take his back and now his is fine. It doesn't always do it and I mine hasn't done it for two days now.

  4. I figured out what the problem is tonight, the trigger hits the release lever inside the shell if you pull the trigger to hard. The plastic tab the trigger spring goes on is too long. I had it opened and was wondering why that part had stress marks on it, lo and behold, problem found.

  5. mine has that issue- that and persistent jamming. it drops the clip fairly frequently, it would be an alright nerf if it didnt drop the clip and it didnt not fire for no apparent reason so frequently. i will probs try find the 3 discs i have lost since opening it last night and take it back for exchange. =P

  6. I had a major issue with mine, a shot misfired and stayed in the barrel without me noticing and I primed again. as the spring arm went back it jammed on the disc.

    After using a long stick hook I finally got the disc out but ever since all my discs are severely veering left straight out of the barrel. So I'm going to attempt to return it.

  7. My praxis is totally locked up! I need help. It won't prime, it has no disc inside, it won't fire. It's just locked up! What do I do...? I also have the drop clip problem.. Or I used to until it froze up.

  8. oh no... mine jst started doing this recently. i also tried the pyragon clip and it immediately falls out. i can blame that on the weight, but normal clips fall out every once in a while too. i've had to return a rayven when they first came out cause it would jam constantly, and hasbro was actually really cool about it and sent me a new one quickly. I suggest if anyone has this issue with the praxis, contact hasbro and return it for a new one. Unless i find a simple way to fix this, i will do the same and exchange it...

  9. Just ordered one off Amazon

  10. I recently bought a Praxis and It Drops Clips in this manner
    The thing is i don't think it is the blaster but the clips.
    My Praxis Drops clips but the thing that make me think it is the clips is that it drops one clip constantly. I have 2 more extra clips and neither of them drop it only that one clip. so my conclusion is that it is simply faulty clips and you get the luck of the draw

  11. Hey my praxis has a problem where a lot of the disks fall to the left when I fire, and I've checked to see if my clip is in correctly and some still seem to flutter then fall about ten feet away. Any ideas on what's happening?
