
Thursday, September 22, 2011

SG Nerf: Nerf N-Strike 18-dart Drum Magazine Set!

A great example of "fans ask, Nerf listens";)  Spotted on premier Nerf blog SGNerf, the 18round drum normally accompanying the Alpha Trooper CS-18 looks to soon be available on its own.

Not sure WHEN on availability yet, but hopefully, it's comin! UPDATE: For our US folks, we hear from one of our readers it's confirmed "Kmart Pocatello ID 83201 $14.99 6 in stock spotted yesterday"- Thanks Jesse! 

More on the link below:)

SG Nerf: Nerf N-Strike 18-dart Drum Magazine Set!:


  1. Oh dear god, I need these something fierce for a project, the raider drums are just too damn big to have two on a pistol.

  2. Finally! :D I wonder why they don't listen to us more often. If the consumers AND the elite (such as yourself) name something they would certainly buy, then you have a large and assured customer base...

    (That was fast, Pocket! I followed the link to SG Nerf, and when I came back after 30 seconds flat, here it was! Kudos!)

  3. $14 US when you can get the blaster from Target for $25 Aus, or less I forget the price....

    Anyway if the price is $10 or less I'll buy.

  4. The Alpha Trooper is 20 bucks at US Targets. 15 dollars at a K-Mart does sound about right though. K-mart's clearance items are more expensive than standard retail of most other stores. If this is 14.99 elsewhere, you might as well just fork over the extra 5 bucks for the blaster as well. My hope is Wal-Mart will prop these up for a reasonable 9 to 11 bucks.

  5. Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hey guys. I need help. Should I buy a stampede or a raider,recon,longshot at the same tme for a nerf war

  7. If it's $15, we can at least hope that it will be £10, which might actually be worth paying.
