
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rumours: Nerf Rayven CS-18

Brought to our attention by a reader m4rsmensch, what appeared on German Nerf forum was a very cool image of a new N-Strike blaster, the Rayven CS-18. In what looks like the first time another blaster other than the Firefly has opted for glow in the dark darts, it does look pretty cool and the answer to fans' requests for "Nerf should make a SMG" :)

The colour scheme does look abit like N-Strike and Vortex had a love child, but much of this could be due to the fact the box art is clearly "NOT FINAL". That also being said, this is the first time we've seen this, so it sits in the rumour mill till we can confirm or deny. The story behind it this leak though is however does come from a fella asking for info at his local retailer so it's looking pretty accurate thus far.

Open up the feedback lines folks, what do you reckon?:)

New Nerfs Leaked via


  1. Their CS replacement for the firefly?

  2. the clip doesnt even look n strike compatible! this is one of the goofiest guns ive seen in a while, especially by nerf! i dont know why they went with green since all n strike guns are yellow and orange (except all the repaints). unless they are making a new repaint line called "firefly" which would be kinda cool but annoying since they have enough repaints already. it looks kinda like a firefly and stampede put together. but when you think of it, nerf is finally doing what we've been asking. farther shooting guns (jolt ex 1) and smgs which is what i see every day on the nerf fb page, make an smg. i really hope this one shoots as good as a jolt or even better. then il be happy.

  3. OMG!!!!!!!! its a bullpup! ( for gun n00bs: clip is be hind trigger resulting in a longer barrel but more compact rifle.)

  4. the firefly was my favorite gun, so i'm glad it's making a comeback!

  5. by the way the mini swarmfire box art is also in that link, something about speed swarm for 24.95

  6. how do u cock it ?

  7. This would be a deal closer if it was full-auto

  8. It's definitely a flywheel blaster. If this is 'real' you can see the compartment where the 3AA sits on the side of the blaster.

    Would be a cool indoor war / HvZ gun though.

  9. Clip looks like a flip clip for some reason.

    "semi auto firing" does also suggest flywheel.

    I'd get it purely for aesthetics.

  10. The thing on the side of the magizne is the battery box. it lights up inside to "charge the darts"

  11. Hey theres a new super soaker in that link aswell something like lightning storm its got another raider stock it looks like and A RAIDER DRUM FOR WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES

  12. From observation the battery cover is the same as the Barricade which leads to the assumption that this will be a fly-wheel blaster. Le sigh.
    Further evidence of a flywheel is the lump in the carry handle above letters RAY of Rayven. This would be housing for the upper flywheel It could be argued that this is for structural integrity. However this amount of plastic for support has never been used in any other carry handles.
    Additionally there is the description 'semi-auto fire' which is achievable only by flywheel or making a full auto blaster but limiting the output to one round each trigger pull. The latter would be the preferred.
    I would imaging the dart pushing rod that feeds darts into the flywheels would be required to be electronic due to the long journey it has between the clip and the
    We can also see a blue glow from the rear of the blaster. This would be glow from an LED arrangent which would 'charge' the luminescent component of the darts.
    As for the clip: this is jut an ordinary 18dart clip with either a deceptive paint job or a build in belt clip.

  13. Most likely flywheel, since there is no room for a plunger. Looks like a cut down stampede with a Barricade front and... A BARREL ATTACHMENT!

  14. The clip has a screw above the 'Firefly Tech' logo; could the clip be battery powered to charge the darts inside it?

  15. How is the clip supposed to 'charge' the darts? Are they meant to have electronics in them..?

  16. I so hope this is real. It looks really cool. Also I am wondering if they are going to make it yellow, change more N Strike guns to this color, or have it be a keep it this color just to make it unique.

  17. some of you have questions, so first of all this looks like it is a replacement/update of the firefly but streamlines,2nd it uses a flywheel, there is no room for a plunger and no priming piece is on it, 3rd it uses what looks like a stampede 18 clip with a battery pack so it lights the darts in the clip, i would expect the clip to work for any other gun but it will not light up the darts. any more questions?

  18. OH MY GOSH!
    It's glowing on the top!
    Also, it says 2x batteries for the blaster and 3 for the clip. And that is a cool looking clip, alternatively, the addition batteries maybe for the LED's on the top.
    Either way, I'm getting this one, fer sure!

  19. Looks like the magazine glows to charge up the glow in the dark darts. I'm guessing flywheel, but not sure how it'll work with a small trigger like that (The barricade trigger is really deep)

    The clip does look n-strike compatible. that means we can get fully charged gitd darts for other blasters!

  20. looks like basically a minimised stampede and a bullpup mixed. i dont think it's flywheel, the trigger is too small...

  21. It says the clip uses 3 AA batteries, so presumably it charges the darts.

  22. Yes, the clip does 'charge' the darts. If you recall, the firefly had a "flash" mechanism which hits the darts with light, so that they glow in the dark without having to leave them in the sun all day.
    The clip appears to be just a straight 18-round with a battery/light emitter on the side.

    Definitely a flywheel. This design is actually one of the best for a bullpup config uration, since the parts that give the power to the dart are in front of the barrel anyway, instead of behind it like with a plunger tube.

    A CS compatible flywheel? Attachment rails top and sides? Barrel attachment? Me Gusta. It'll be the first blaster since the stampede to actually get use out of the bipod (don't have to remove your hand to cock the mechanism).

  23. It looks like a SMG Stampede by SGNerf, just that it's not bullpup.

  24. the box is wrong cs clip system it should be RVCS-18 or ECS-18 and i heard one dude said the possibility of a belt inside i dont think so but it would be EBF inside a CS

  25. The darts are already luminous, Isn't it obvious? electronics would make it heavy and costly making it inefficient and to charge the darts is just if so of you are gonna keep asking how they do it, you people must be retards. simple

  26. You're the retard, the dart's aren't already luminous. Kindly look up how glow in the dark items work. Either they're charged by some light source like how Firefly darts worked, or they inherently glow, which is much more expensive or relatively short-lived depending on whether it uses radiation or chemicals. I can't see Nerf using either of them.

    Then on the right it says "CLIP CHARGES 18 GLOW DARTS", so charging the darts isn't "ridicules". My bet's on a couple of LEDs in the clip to charge the darts. Light, simple and cheap. Kinda like the Firefly (imagine that!).

  27. OK, that is wierd. I posted a comment on a vortex page with ideas for Nerf. One of them was a Bullpup Flywheel gun. I also sent them the whole message. Is this creepy or what?

  28. It probably has multiple flywheels pairs inside to help the dart get out of the barrel. Maybe a set right in front of the magazine and then another at the end of the barrel.

  29. interesting gun. really want this one. Me and a friend sent in nerf gun ideas to nerf and now that we're seeing this I'm getting really happy. That 3ds is gonna be hard

  30. the reason it charges the darts is because if the darts are glow in the dark, then they need to be charged with a black light, i think. BUT THIS GUN IS BOSS, I HOPE IT COMES OUT BEFORE DECEMBER!

  31. Black Light? to0 costly for nerf to produce, they just used a florescent chemical/paint on the dart. you really thing they would place such costly things in to every blaster? if so its most likely gonna cost over $70 if they are really going to implement that kind of stuff into it.

  32. man i hate flywheel but i hope its a comfortable as the firefly and it has good ranges the firefly was always good with streamlines

  33. this looks so badass

    thanks UT

  34. was gonna get a barricade with a stock but i guess ill wait for this

  35. Do you know how the firefly worked? A light would charge up a sticker around the dart for just a second after it fired, and it would disappear pretty quickly.

  36. i love the guys thumb

    and the rayven of course

  37. if you zoom in on the box it says the blaster takes four batteries. that would make it 6 volt rather than the barricades 4.5 volt. furthermore the upper flywheel seams to be located in line with the trigger (ie. the big square block at the front of the carry handle) that would put the fly wheels further back in the barrel. together that would indicate that the rayven is more powerful and potently quieter than the barricade.

  38. i want a pair of these :)


  40. semi-auto flywheel with barrel extetions and clips and glow in the dark just put raider drums on these and double wield it DOOM!

  41. not only is it bullpup it seems to have a barrel attachment compatibility!

  42. Quick question: where are the extra mags??

  43. if this is real, this is definetly gonna replace my clip converged barricade as my secondary............ :)

  44. Curious as to what "Firefly Tech" in regards to the clip means. this is interesting, depending on the price, it would be a cheap alternative to a Stampede, and a 18 dart clip. Hopefully since this looks like a Fly Wheel blaster its not as loud as the Barricade.

  45. Again , you do realise "Not Final" relates ENTIRELY to the box art and not the weapon itself. Nobody would have put all those hours to create a very precise and accurate model just for a hoax. This blaster is real.

  46. I agree that the gun looks like it would have to have a flywheel, but I'm not seeing where to put it. If you look at the barrel of the gun and then the sides of the gun, you can't really see any large bumps for the flywheel to sit in. Maybe the flywheel is vertical inside the gun? Also, from the way the gun is in the picture, the stock may be a bit longer than it looks.

  47. if you make the image bigger you can read than there says than the clip uses 3xAA bateries

  48. guys, the flywheels are vertical like the barricade, see the green box under the front of the top rail, that is where the top wheel is.

  49. looks like a sonic stampede/firefly ...

  50. appears to be full auto but it may also be a semi its not a flip clip its a different design of 18 round clip and if nerfer101 was smart enough to see the NOT FINAL sign he would know its probably isnt going to look exactly like that

  51. the trigger feels good and is very big

  52. I like the trigger too it feels good to and its semi auto trigger looks like the barricade rv-10.
