
Friday, October 14, 2011

Sonic Stampede ECS Confirmed

That's a big 'green' light on that one. All of that speculation about a Sonic Series Stampede ECS has been confirmed this morning on Nerf's Facebook page. They actually officially confirmed all of the new sonic series blasters we've been posting about as well- Barricade RV-10, Longstrike CS-6 and Barrel Break IX-2 so they can now all OFFICIALLY be making wish lists everywhere:)

Those green darts we posted on a few days ago that Neil saw on eBay are for the Stampede; the bipod as you can see will be orange but the disappointing thing for me is from this pic, the shield won't be translucent which I thought would be pretty cool. Ahhh well. Still looks pretty sweeeeeeet..

Apparently scheduled for a December, and obviously Christmas release.


  1. Notice that the blast sheild is the same color as the Rayven.

  2. man, the visor isn't clear!? wow. still nice but I'd rather have the sonic barrelbreak or longstrile. stampede doesn't look as cool

  3. I still hope the whiteout spectre comes out. :D

  4. The blast shield can't be clear. On a standard Stampede it's made out of a more flexible plastic than the rest of the blaster. Clear plastic, generally, is more rigid and brittle than opaque. If the blast shield was made out of clear plastic you'd have them breaking like crazy, even possibly in shipping.

  5. I've already seen the Sonic Barrel Breaks at my local Toys today, they only had normal longstrikes (which is unusual 'cause normally they don't have any...), sonic Deploy's, Recons, Vulcans, Nite Finders, and Mavericks were all in stock as well.

  6. i guess at this rate it will be a matter of days till we see the whiteout spectre, I am so buying the WO spectre if it does indeed come out

  7. I already own two Stampedes, but damned if I'm not tempted to pick this one up too... A clear-style Stampede just screams awesome to me.

  8. i think it would be AWSOME if nerf made this in whiteout.

  9. One of THESE with a Light Strike integration would be the tits.

  10. why couldn't Nerf just stick to clear versions... alot of people ain't keen on vomit green casings.

  11. just wait. the whiteout spectre is coming soon. recon replacement

  12. I don't really care about Sonicor Whiteout reshelled Stampede, because I prefer to paint it myself :P

  13. I honestly don't see what all the rage is these sonic blasters. Personally, snot green is the LAST color I'd want on a blaster. Well, you know what they say; if you want something done right, do it yourself. Now imma go by me some paint.

  14. Sonic series has high sales because literally everyone advertises them with their opinions. Every form on here has at least one person either likeing or complaining about the sonic series. All publicity is good publicity.
