
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Video: Super Soaker CPS 2500

Just a quick vid to show you the awesome power of a vintage Super Soaker; the CPS 2500 from 1998 is still one of the most powerful (officially the 2nd most powerful after the CPS 2000 apparently) water blasters ever made. We show it here with the 5x nozzle and then the 20x nozzle to show you the difference in soakage ability. It's still an absolute beast:)


  1. The nostalgia of watching that pressure gauge move and the satisfaction of seeing it reach "full" in the video is wonderful. God, I miss my 2000.

  2. is it just me or did i see recoil on the 20x nozzle! Wow.

  3. Zach: Yup. These Super Soakers were the first water blasters I'd ever used to have recoil. Bliss:

  4. Absolutely true about the CPS2000 (original) being more powerful--that thing was almost frightening.
