
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rumours: Glow in the dark Streamlines

Spotted on eBay and by a multitude of readers forwarding me this intel (thanks folks!) are the much discussed glow in the dark streamlines.

Whoever's bought a pack can probably tell us (hint- someone buy it and tell us!) whether the whole dart glows in the dart or whether it's just the tips. Personally I never bothered attaching the luminous stickers to the sucker darts that came with the Firefly REV-8 and was fine with just the suction heads being the only thing that glowed. I'll suggest the same will be with these, but I've been proven wrong before so perhaps Nerf have managed to make the foam glow too? We'll see soon enough no doubt!


  1. The difused light glow could sugest they have a paper core or plastic core of glowing plastic. With flywheels being popular.. and the last glowing darts being in a fire'fly' I could expect these darts to be "harder" from a force from the sides.. due to the hard core.. and get compressed less.. this would suit the flywheel system which if working best would sqwish the darts a little to get good grip. There body is definatly glowing but i dont think the foam is some thing els.. core or / photoshoped.

  2. Notice how the background seems to change between pictures...

  3. Doesn't this make perfect sense with the Rayven coming out? Kinda surprised people didn't see these coming.

  4. it definately looks like more of the darts is glowing than just the tip.

  5. don't the foam in the GITD darts from the firefly glow too? mine seems to glow even without the stickers.

  6. clear drums + big powerfull UV lights could be fun!

    still hoping they create a new dart for this new generation of automatic flywheel blasters which is most definatly coming. .. They need to use plastic like the XLR disks.. and mabye make a gun that "spins" the dart as well as pushes it forward.. that would be epppic. Hoping this is just nerf unloading stock of a failed experiment. streamlines are so bad with flywheels!..

  7. All the different types of darts really annoy me. I wish Nerf just had a single standard type of dart that all blasters used. No one really cares that there is a suction cup or that the dart whistles as it flies. If only there was one simple, far shooting, accurate dart, instead of suctions, glow darts, whistlers, taggers, and especially all of the off-brand darts. They give me a headache. :)

  8. Blaster Mods and More, the Dart Tag dart shoots far and accurately, I use it in every gun except for clip system ones.

  9. This is soooooooooooo cool. I am so getting these darts when they come out!!!!!!!!!!

  10. is it under blacklight or in the dark?

  11. somebody buy one and tell us!!!

  12. question, pocket why did you put up this post? I seem to remember that you have seen and used the glow int the dark streamlines in the rayven videos, am I wrong?

  13. yes... you are wrong!

  14. I purchased some of these from a seller on ebay, the estimated shipping date is late november to early december thought, i will gladly give an update as soon as i receive them.

  15. I just received the streamlines this afternoon, it looks like there is some glow in the foam it self but its not as much as the tips.
