
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

YouTube: Black Keys "Howlin For You"

The Black Keys have a very cool video to their song "Howlin' For You" that's made to look like a Grindhouse exploitation flick trailer. 

Watching the clip, it's pretty hard to make out the guns the heroine and her sidekick are using, but if you check out the featurette to go with it (especially at 2:10)


Cool huh?


  1. Hey! I see you liked my post on FB!

    You are welcome :)

    (I'm Davide Kowalski)

  2. Is that Todd Bridges?!?!?!

  3. Yes!
    The one who glorify that ass :)

  4. Nice looking chicks and Nerf blasters. What a wonderful combination. :). ~Rologam.

  5. Pocket, you are a sick, sick, sick perverted man. Kids like Nerf guns, so why would you want to post all this p**n crap!!!??? Look at your "Up Close and Personal" series of posts. Look at your last post! Heck, look at THIS post! What if some six year old came across this, and you knew it!? How would that make you feel????

  6. P.S. I know this and my last comment won't be approved, but what I DO know is that it will be read.

  7. They always use Mavericks in this sort of thing. I guess it has that "yee hawww" look about it

  8. Todd Bridges is awesome! Least he still gets to make it into videos of some discription, probably the only real paying gig he had since Different Strokes!
