
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Google is amazing: Someone's (NOT ME!) N-Strike Elite range

Our man Jason was doing some Google searches and whoah, look what he found! There are more images after the jump, and they do look very sweet. Remember, these AREN'T my images... I don't own them, or the blasters in them.

Disclaimer: As mentioned in other posts, I have advised Hasbro that I will not be sourcing any more pre-release guns.  Accordingly, I do not have these guns in my possession, nor I do know where they are or the person who has them - it is entirely possible that these are photos of someone's own promotional products which they were given.  The photos might also have been taken in a country where the items are released or perhaps it's just some person who bought them off ebay or taobao.  I just don't know.  I was directed to these images by people on the Internet who are even better at doing searches than I am and the images can be found on and


  1. Are those... RIFLED BARRELS?

    1. Not to mention that it says "up to 75 feet"

  2. Wait, are those new darts bigger than the Micros? ......Does that mean I might be able to use them in my vintage blasters!? PLEASE SAY YES.

  3. well don't just leave us in the dark pocket! What are your thoughts? I am very curious about the length of the elite streamlines. In addition, were you able to research a possible price?

  4. Is that RIFLING?????? *fainted*

  5. Seriously!!? the retaliator barrel has spiraled rifling? These pics are really cool!!

  6. The pic with the recon and the retaliator showing the plunger backs, looks like a new system. possible direct plunger?

    1. yes its Direct Plunger my friend...^_^

  7. It also looks like the Rampage gets no promised shield and no stock which is a bummer. however form the picture of the back of the retaliator and recon i would have to say that the elite series uses direct plungers instead of reverse. I wonder if the new darts are different because they look just like blue colored streamlines. I thought it was interesting that the side of the box advertised the 2013 firestrike, it looks basically like an elite nitefinder but the front looks different like it can only hold 1 dart instead of 2. what do you guys think about these points?

  8. Rifling will be for tacticool factor if it's there. Any spin imparted will have minimal effect, if any.

  9. How has nobody noticed that the side of the box shows an elite Nitefinder in his holster?


    I am throwing gold blocks at the screen, why isnt this working!?

    1. The Length-to-Thickness-Ratio of a bullet should be between 1:1.5 to 1:2.5, otherwise gyrostabilizing by spin does not work.

  11. Nerf Elite Firestrike (nitefinder) coming in 2013. Look at pic 16.

  12. the retaliator is just a recon and i dont like the recon. the only reason i bought a recon was because it was a gear up recon.
    the rampage is the raider but obviously with new elite guts so i may get that one. looks cool

  13. Is that RIFLING?????? *Came in pants*

  14. The box art shows a guy with a tactical vest and he has a nstrike elite pistol in his vest holster! I think it's name is the firestrike but it's blurry to read.

  15. "Firestrike blaster coming in 2013"? I'm down. But what blows my mind is the rifled barrel. I agree with others, it [i]shouldn't[/i] have much of an effect, but I'm willing to see what it might impose. The longer dart also does a great job of confirming my wishes that they'll be truly universal. It'll be interesting to see if I can use them in Dart Tag blasters.

    Wonderful info. I'm pumped for N-Strike Elite again.

  16. can someone explain to me what is rifiling? :X
    And Where is the other 3 blasters? :O

      It also helps to have seen the beginning of a Bond movie.

  17. The rifling will be purely cosmetic. Rifling DOES NOT work with Nerf darts. The way the foam compresses compared to a solid bullet means that if anything, it would deteriorate the range, not improve the range or accuracy. The accuracy increase in the case of the N-Strike Elite range will be down to the new dart design, if there is an improvement.

  18. This is the kind of stuff that gets the community excited over a new product, not gay looking pretty boys jumping around to rock music. This is why Hasbro lost the plot by coming after Urban Taggers. How many of us are excited about the new Elite series NOW? How many were before this news? Get with the program Hasbro, we want real intel, quit insulting out intelligence and let the blogs to their job

  19. If they enlarged the darts but the barrel is the same, this would make a better air seal for more power. Combined with rifling, that would work well.

  20. This...can' Man am I freaking out. Have you guys noticed the Elite NF the prop dude is wearing?

  21. Ooooh,it says Look forward to Firestrike(the NF I mentioned) in 2013!

  22. Firestrike huh....*thinks* the name is like an old dart tag blaster :D i think the elite darts are sized as mega darts awww... does that mean i cant use them in my stampede?

  23. Im totally getting the Rampage and that merely unannounced Firestrike!

  24. Why are people getting crazy about the rifling? It will most likely do absolutely nothing to help with anything since the dart will most likely not be touching the edges. The whole point of rifling is to turn the projectile while it travels down the barrel. The darts aren't going to be up against the barrel since that would destroy the ranges. Once again, why are people getting crazy about it?

    1. Exactly what I was saying before. Yes, it looks cool, but the foam isn't dense or solid enough to make use of the rifling.

    2. But it looks cool :(

  25. hey pocket, did you know that if you look down the spectre barrel extension, it has about a mm offset of rifling?

  26. Fun fact guys: as people on nerfhaven, nerfhq, etc. have discovered, rifling barrels has a minimal effect on increasing range or accuracy. I doubt that those fancy barrels can stick 30 extra feet of range on a recon (the advertised shots are angled, I guarantee it). Also, from the looks of it, the blue recon, sorry, retaliator has a SMALLER plunger tube than the yellow recon. Look at the shadows in picture 15. Of course, it does leave the possibility of a power stock, but I really doubt it.

  27. Seeing what they did to the Dart Tag line, I'm not quite convinced that they changed there plunger system back to a direct plunger. I hope I'm wrong.

  28. I wouldn't be surprised if in addition to a heavier tip, the foam is more dense in the new Elite darts. I recall how the Whiteout series streamlines seemed to shoot better/farther than the stock orange streamlines.

  29. i hope really hope thay fixed that inconsistency that streamlines had

  30. On the pic with the vest: what do you see in the pocket on the left. Something looks blacked out. Not the night finder on the right. I talking about the left. Is is a jolt?

    1. Definitely a jolt. Elite Jolt- awesome!

  31. Is it just me, or did the clip in retaliator on the side of the box have micro whistlers in it.

  32. That one pic of the Retaliator's barrel looks badly photoshopped to me.

  33. If you have read, it said they are somehow compatible with nstrike blasters. I'm starting to think the darts are the thing that goes up to 75 ft, not the blasters.

  34. cant wait for dat nitefinder in pic 16 XD

    1. its not a nitefinder its a strikefire. really odd theyre making a dart ttag gun a elite gun.

  35. I'm thinking that the Rampage isn't the evolution of the Raider, I think that is the Evolution of the Alpha Trooper.
    Both Alpha Trooper and Rampage doesn't comes with acessories, and the Drum is smaller than the Raider's one, but bigger than the one from Alpha Trooper.

  36. omg must buy all elite guns then throw the guns in lava to celebrate nerf elite!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. I think thisis china.

  38. Notice the Rampage has Rifling too if you look closely. Going to get the Rampage and the Elite Firesrike/Jolt!!

    Good job finding this.Got me in N-strike Elite again.

  39. Elite Recon, Raider, Nite Finder, AND Jolt? Shut up and take my money!!!

  40. Anyone notice that teh clip is a 12 shot clip? NOT an 18 shot clip? The darts must be huge, possibly reinforced?

  41. A smaller plunger is better for range. If you double the mass then energy is doubled but if you double the speed then energy is quadrupled. There fore a smaller amount of air moving twice is fast is better then the double the air moving half the speed.

  42. I wonder that nobody noticed that in the Pic you see the Nitefinder clone you can also see an Elite-Jolt in the other pocket. look closely. I thought about it, traced lines. Only think it could be. Jolt 2.0

  43. Just a quick question- how do you make the images available to view in full screen? (I'm talking about setting it up, not viewing it.)

  44. Urban Taggers , thanks for sharing your picture of the nerf elite blaster .. it looks awesome ;D .. but , I have one demand .. I hope you can exert my request .. can you do one video range of the nerf retaliator and the nerf rampage ? I hope so , because I wan't to see .. Its that true the blaster shoot at 75 ft or not .. you may sharing the video in youtube use your email because I'm already subscribe your page :D ..thanks again for sharing your picture if the nerf elite blaster ..

    *From Malaysian*

    1. He have said it, these are not his images are taken from Google. ;)

  45. Sorry, but that disclaimer has effectively killed your website. Hasbro's legal team has effectively gutted the entire reason I so enjoyed coming here. Sad...

  46. Rifled barrels? darts that look to have the same length of the old mega darts? It looks like these blasters are going to be the best.

    I love this already.

  48. The best blasters i've ever seen!

  49. Squeee~
    I want one. Heavier darts, normal plunger, stronger spring, 12-shot clip? YES.

  50. Better plunger, better darts, better barrels. Better blasters! Personally I'm not going to bother with the extension barrel, but I may graft it into my Rayven. Hope those darts are backwards compatible, at least with the flywheels...

  51. so these are what you get when you Pack-A-Punch a nerf gun.

  52. Shoot. I was really hoping the blaster itself would travel 75 feet. Thanks for your input though, I suppose it gives me enough time to cope with the fact that, once again, Nerf releases a blaster that only sends the darts anywhere. Some disappointment.
