
Friday, May 11, 2012

Review: Nerf Dart Tag Sharpshot- New and improved?

 Last year's revitalised Dart Tag series from Nerf brought several new players to the game, including the single fire Sharp Shot- a fan favourite aesthetically but with very unremarkable (well rubbish) performances.  An interesting move from Nerf is to re-release it with a few minor aesthetic changes (blue rather than orange accents) and allegedly a performance factory upgrade. How much of an improvement? Well we picked one up from our local Target to give it a go. And.. a rare move by us- we cracked it open:D Internal pics after the jump:)

The Sharpshot comes in a very similar packaging to the original blaster; the blaster, four darts and a plastic quick release belt clip carabiner thing:)

Packaging suggests it "fires farther than ever" compared to the original. 

The casing is the same as the original Sharpshot; what differs aesthetically is the use of blue rather than orange to differentiate it from the original blaster. I personally don't find the blue works AS well, but it's not a show stopper. Other that that, it's pretty much the same.

The Belt clip is a novel, if not rather useless idea so you can attach it to your pants and then quick release it with a pull. However, I found the plastic wasn't strong enough and often you yanked the whole clip off rather than it releasing. Also I've yet to see anyone feel comfortable with running while the Sharpshot bounces away and potentially can injure a fella:P

 Soo.. here's what you're all interested in knowing- 1) What do the insides look like, 2) does it really shoot further than the original, and 3) HOW? So we cracked it open. The internals are.. unremarkable, but the source of the extra power is clear. It's the spring.

Old vs new internals
 Everything else is pretty much the same, but the difference is a thicker and stronger spring. It's nothing crazy like modders acquire, but it's a lot closer to the likes of other comparable Nerf blasters and gives the performance closer to the likes of NiteFinders (but not quite).

14 bucks at Target. Worth it? It's a single shot, so if you like the way the old Sharpshot felt, then sure pick one up because the updated spring definitely makes a difference. Personally, I still think you'd be fine with a cheaper and more powerful Nite Finder- but the Sharpshot DOES look cool.

What I like the most is it shows Nerf are considering more powerful springs.. interesting:)


  1. Shame. We've been modding them for some time and were hoping for better internals to go with the better spring we already use.

    It is a nice feeling blaster though.

  2. Is the ar spring any weaker? I know in mine sometimes the ar will actually force about half of my darts out of the barrel. Quite an annoyance if you ask me.

  3. Is this the key to the Elites "elite" range?
    I would say most likely.

  4. Still on the lookout for one of these myself. The Sharpshot is well-built for function, far more so than other blasters of its class if only because of the concaved muzzle to facilitate a fast reload. If its range does finally meet that of at least the Maverick's or Nite Finder's, it will probably become my go-to secondary. As always, I appreciate the review.

  5. cool,good to see your posting again.

  6. Will Nerf try and copy the airsoft market, with superpower aftermarket mod parts?

  7. When I got my blue sharp shot and had a look inside it had a blue AR in it too.

  8. I've found that my Sharp Shot actually outranges stock NFs, all my stock blasters and some of my modded ones. It's getting 15-16m consistenly with new DTs, which by current standards is great.

    1. Same here. 15-17m!
      Just need more of those DT darts. :D

  9. I noticed that all the European editions of these blasters also feature blue triggers, which I assumed was because they were a later run of the Blasters. I was told that official they would never be coming out in the UK when they were first announced.

  10. Hey Pocket, I have a question. Do you know if the Quick 16 has recieved the blue trigger? If you know, thanks :)

    1. Nope. I checked my Sharp Shot box and it doesn't have the 'TM' like it did on the other blaster names.(ie. Swarmfire'TM')
