
Thursday, June 14, 2012

N-Strike Elite Hailfire: That's what makes it beautiful

 It might not be officially out till September, but if you're gonna showcase your latest and greatest blaster before launch, you might as well do it in the hands of a quirky Australian blogger the hottest pop music sensation in the world today. Brit boyband One Direction have a pretty good relationship with Hasbro, getting their own dolls in their likeness and now seen with the upcoming new Hailfire at a Las Vegas expo.

 Depending on the angle, it can look like quite the beast... or maybe the boys are just really small:D

Not the first time they were spotted with Nerf blasters- here at the Men In Black III premiere:


Thanks to our man Jason for the lead:D


  1. The Hailfire is freaking small!

  2. It's weird, in the first pic, the hailfire looks TINY but in the third pic it looks huge. Are the guys in One Direction that different in size?

    1. At least it's not a Vulcan on steroids!

  3. Worthless hailfire. No tech innovation. Bulky brick of plastic makes the vulcan look good.

  4. It's TINY - and just a little bit shit looking!!

  5. How the Heck am I supposed to hang that thing on a peg board? But seriously, its a bit ugly and awkward looking though it will really come down to performance. It could end up everyone favorite blaster, you never know.

  6. It's good that it's small: who really wants to lug around a 10+ lb blaster? If it can really put out good performance, that plus the small size and high capacity might just persuade me to get one.

  7. the guy in the last photo holding the recon has the laser accessory in front of the flip up sight...but who really cares,right?

  8. Looks better that I thought it would. Be better if it was in someone better's hands,someone that would actually be able to appreciated it.

    If it preforms I might make it my primary, been looking for an automatic blaster that holds a lot of ammo.
