
Friday, June 8, 2012

Rumours: Sonic Series Vortex Praxis

Spotted on Tao Bao, we see here a rumoured Sonic Series Vortex Praxis. I find it a tad confusing that you've got this N-Strike vs Vortex thing, and yet there was the cross over Light up series that crossed over both of them, and now we've got the Sonic Series. I would have at least chosen a different colour. Can u imagine a translucent blue Praxis? mmmm.

Still.. here's the pic anyway. As always.. I don't have it. And I doubt I'll buy one either, but you can. When it comes out:)


  1. I already got a praxis. I dissed the Lumitron but I might actually like it even though the colors aren't sexy.

  2. sonic praxis, interesting.

  3. I might pass but, imagine the sonic praxis with the lumitron clip. That might be worth picking one up.

  4. trans blue praxis? that is a damn sweet idea.

    1. Yeah, I like a calmish blue over... puke green? Acid green? It would be so much better in blue.

  5. I agree with Anonymous #2: the Lumitron clip in a Sonic Series Praxis would be insanely awesome :P

    I've gotten stuck with not one, but two dodgy Praxis' that didn't work until I ripped them open and fixed them manually (jams, clip falling out, etc etc) ...

    And let's not forget the Pyragon coming out later too... admittedly THAT is the one I'm hanging out for the most out of the Praxis re-do's :P

    Seriously Nerf: please cease with the Praxis 'copy & paste' jobs and make something original... preferably something full auto and faster (and smaller) than that ridiculous thing you called 'the flagship of the Vortex series' ... the Nitron =_=


  7. Have we heard anything else about the Pyragon and it's release date or any "New" Vortex blasters that might be headed our way?

  8. If it was a different color and came with the Firefly Tech magazine... maybe.... but as is, nope.

  9. The stock would be the perfect color to use on a sonic blaster but still being stock. Sonic series barricade + this would be pretty BA.

  10. man they should be a clear red praxis and that will look better than the clear blue, green, and white ones but only if they excised and they should be another sub-series and i already know the two blasters for nerf, the clear red praxis and the pyragon and they should both have red xlr discs but i did a part of nerfs idea and nerf just have to figure out a name but i already know the guns but i am just guessing but i hope you guys agree with and i hope nerf will do my idea and i think if they agree it should come out in 9-9-12!!!!!!!
