
Saturday, July 14, 2012

N-Strike Elite Retaliator: Internals

Soo, further on the Retaliator, Neil from the Canberra and Southern NSW dart tag crew sent through a few more pics on the internals; dem boys removed the air restrictors to see what would happen... more pics and Uncle Neil's thoughts after the jump. (Thanks fellas!)

Neil's thoughts:

"Thoughts now I've had more time with it? There is definitely more weight in the head of the dart. They remind me of Fer de lance darts which you get from Singapore. They have a metal weight sitting behind the rubber tip (the FDL's that is). The internals look like what you find in a Longshot. Very small spring too.

"Now its AR'ed it doesnt make that loud 'crack' we're all used to. Thats because of the plunger system. AR was not easy to get out. Its a floating mechanism with its own spring. The AR removal didnt make a huge difference. Maybe 3 metres more range. 

"What was interesting is that we put the Elite darts in a Stampede that has got the Black Tactical kit and runs at higher voltage. Huge difference in range. I think the Elite darts will make a big difference in modded blasters - AR'ed and spring replacement modded gear."


  1. So in addition to putting the darts in the BT stampede, i tried them in a modded longshot and a 'Drain blaster'.

    Elite darts had 7ft over streamlines in the Longshot.

    Elite darts in the drain blaster were amazing! Dead straight! And those that know the power behind this should be impressed. (Google it) Same power fishtailed the stock streamlines about 30 deg off where i aimed.

  2. I've a question Pocket. How well do the new elite darts feed through a Quick 16 and the like.
