
Friday, August 10, 2012

BlasterPro: Toy blasters get a lil' more serious

 Those crazy kids at the Maya Group who were responsible for the Xploderz line of wet ball shooters have upped the ante and come up with an all new line called 'Blaster Pro'. Using a similar ammo system,what differs now is although still spring loaded, rather than the "pull-back-and-release" mechanism, we've got some pretty serious looking kit with.. triggers.

These blasters are aimed at ages 14+ so Blaster Pro is straight away targeting the older market- you can see this with their choice of realistic colour schemes and general design. Two models are being released on launch- a pump action S2500 and a battery powered Automatic E5000, both boasting 75+ feet ranges and some very decent specs for accuracy. Ammo, like with the Xploderz is firm enough to fire out of the blaster but soft enough to just disintegrate on impact and not cause any damage (although eye protection is a must)

Check out some of the vids after the jump- the Blaster Pro line will apparently be available at Toys R Us' and Walmarts around the US as well as on I'll be keen to see if they make it to Australia, but I'm admittedly a lot more interested in these than the original Xploderz range.

BlasterPro official website


  1. They will be classified as paintball guns (as they have triggers) , so they aint coming to AUS.

    1. How does that work? (Sorry I'm state side so I'm not familiar with the laws) This seems more akin to Airsoft that Paintball. And If just because it has a trigger wouldn't then that classify Nerf blaster in the same category?

    2. Someone should check if The scope works with nerf

    3. Maybe, it's more real-steel rails than Nerf rails.

    4. @Griever 2112 in AUS you need a firearms liscence to own paintball guns(well yes and no, depends on the state) so they cant be sold as 'toys' if they're classed as paintball guns. also airsoft is completely illegal here and its likely that the same reasons will apply to these becasue A.they look vaugely like real firearms
      b.the projectile will likely make them inelligable for toy status (once again depends on the state)

  2. Check out

    Could be modded for NERF (?)

  3. Oh noes, is the automatic rifle for right-handers only? D:

    1. The most ghetto solution would just be to tape down the safety mech... but if you want to, you could probably just make a kill switch or something if it's an electronic lock.

      Anyways, these look effing sick and I hope these get the same great performance (range and power) as the Xploderz 200 BUT with heck of lot better accuracy and aesthetics!

  4. I just ordered the shotgun off Amazon, I can do a video review for you when it arrives.

    For those interested, there's a link on the Blaster Pro page linked above and the total cost is about $40 after shipping.

  5. These actually look really fun!

  6. The auto fire has a safety switch either side so even lefty's can use. The scope is just for looks and the tac rail is larger than nerf so they're not interchangeable. I ordered 2 of each of amazon as soon as they where available, the auto fires cleared no problem but still waiting for the pump actions. Both have potential for modding but without a serious rebarrel can't shoot nerf darts

  7. These look really cool its funny because I was just thinking about getting one of the xploderz blasters and now these come out, I think it's really great that you can grow your own ammo!

  8. Here's a question for you peeps, are the xploderz magazines going to be compatible?

    1. Everything is compatible with everything with enough thought and work.

  9. Yay! Triggers! The lack of them was probably all that kept me from getting any Xploderz in the first place.

  10. Are these coming to Singapore?

    1. I am from Singapore too,I hope these are coming to SG but looking at the box saying "airsoft performance' makes me lose hope.

  11. These are the shit!!!! I wanted a set up that everyone could play with. I was going to raise a nerf army and realized that no one would help in cleanup :( . I bought one of the xploders and didn't like it, there's no control or distance. By this new years we will have two family's armed and ready. FYI' the closer you are the more you feel it, at its worst I would compare it to a mosquito but no where near a stinging insect. Happy Hunting!!!!

  12. Heres my review on it.

  13. Internals pics of the E5000 and more here

  14. And to think I just saw an Xploders X2 commercial a while back, the addition of a trigger means I will consider getting it, but the safety thing seems like it could get annoying, and I'm 13 and so playing with this 14+ toy makes me a bad boy! Who's gonna stop me? *puts on shades as cheap explosion effect explodes behind me*

  15. Now a days kids used to be very excited about Gun games and they are very fond shooting and other guns stuff.

  16. so are these coming to australia ?

  17. Real Action Paintball is proud that our LOK Bolt will keep you in the game no matter the weather. While rain can compromise the integrity of your paint, your 468 will keep going strong...and keep you safe from chopping paint, paintball stuff.

  18. can u use xploderz ammo for blaster pro?
