
Monday, September 10, 2012

Rumours: Nerf N-Strike Elite Triad EX-3

Screencap from the youku video
Apparently it's called the Triad EX-3 and is that Elite "Jolt" we've been all coo-ing over. Why it's called the Triad is it looks to hold THREE darts(albeit only shoot one) ; and it looks pretty tough too. There's a video from youku after the jump- of course it's in chinese and the fella who owns the gun is obviously pretty young, but it gives you a good idea. Cheers Jason for the lead!

And a few more pics from Baidu


  1. It seems to use the elite whistling darts too.

    1. Look closely, they are the original black whistlers. They don't even look like the new foam, let alone being the wrong colour.

  2. ...and either the kid didn't get the new darts with it or elite darts aren't as elite as they'd like to be. Also, I personally hope this isn't the new Jolt. If I wanted a 3 round burst dart blaster I'd pick up one of the new model Buzz Bee thingies. Sure the Jolt makes a great backup sidearm (and 3 rounds going toward an opponent does make more sense) but it's also scarily accurate, I'd hate for that legacy to go down the drain so readily.

    1. It's not a 3 round burst, it's single fire, with the top 2 acting as dart holders, like the Nitefider, or Scout... pretty much they took, the ammo holder idea from the Spitfires and made them into a large solid piece.

    2. Actually, it fires from each barrel in turn.

  3. And another blaster comes completely out of left field. And once again, its awesome.

    Talk about a radical blaster design. And using the Jolt as a base for a three-dart blaster shows just how versitale that design is.

    Interesting that it uses the "EX-3" suffix. I had supposed that they would end up dropping those from the name for the Elite blasters.

  4. anyone how how it tells what barrels have a dart in them, because i didn't see them all come out at once, just one each time.

    1. Simple, if you've ever seen what a Jolt's air restrictor looks like, you'll know how that works-when there's no dart in it, it's VERY efficient, but when there's a dart, the blockage disappears completely.

  5. And also, is that a Tactical Rail?

  6. Looks like something out of borderlands 2, which is going to take up my nerfing time :(

  7. It looked like a Jolt with two dart holders - those top barrels don't look like they do anything. The motions he does when reloading the blaster look like he moves a dart from the top barrels into the bottom barrel.
    Shame, when I saw the pics I hoped it would be a pocket shotgun. Now it won't fit in the Slydev Tac Rail Jolt Holder.

    Initially I was excited, but now I just want more Jolts.

  8. Those are micro whistler darts , Black bodied, Orange tipped. Not Elite whistlers. The Elite Darts are meant to be universal

  9. Cool. The top bit looks fat and I'm not sure about the 'dart holders. It looks like egronomics are worse though. Unless it gets good range I'll pass this.

  10. Wait. I can understand this language and translate it but my speaker's not working. >.<

  11. other than extra darts holders... i dont see a difference. doesnt this make it a smaller nightfinder... not really impressive IMHO. the elite logo on its handle seems smudged.

  12. it would be cool if the other 2 barrels could shoot the darts out though... that will make it a must have... :) :)

    1. But it CAN!
      You just need to prime it! It shoots one after the other!

  13. How is this even possible? When was this supposed to come out?

  14. no this isnt the same gun thats in the vest pic on the triad the elite logo is on the handle and in the pic its still the nerf logo and all of the dimensions are excatly the same as the original jolt weras the triad has a lot thicker barrel and in the back it extense farter i truly think what is in the pic i something nerf just made for the photo shoot to fill in that pocket. most likly thy took a jolt and gave it elite styling

  15. It says Triad EX-3. All of other Elite blasters dont have the EX-3 thing at the end. And also it doesn't look like the elite jolt pictured on the box of the other blasters. The barrel just doesn't match up. I'm gonna have to say fake.

  16. 2 possible ways all this could happen the Elite Jolt on the box is a prototype or this is an awsome Jolt mod

  17. where I can buy that?
    In Ebay,Amazon,...where?

  18. the dude shooting it was just retardted. he didnt need to move the darts. he just needed to cock it again

  19. The Triad looks Brill! It fires from the top left barrel, then the top right, then the bottom one. If you only load one dart in any barrel, no matter where the sequence it will fire.
