
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rumours: Elite Firefly darts

Well, we all knew it was bound to happen. The Rayven was the surprise BIG hit last year in 2011 so it would make sense we'd be seeing it again in Elite colour scheme- interestingly it's still kept it's original name, unlike the Rampage and Retaliator.

Oh and.. check it out.. there just happens to be other nice finds to see on the back of the packaging:D

We received this intel multiple times throughout the night, but I'll give it to Chenanio for doing the TaoBao (naturally) trawl and for getting in first:) Thanks!


  1. Interesting how your version of this picture doesn't have the watermark...

  2. Did you notice the new blaster on the back? STRIFE!

    1. I'm pretty sure everyone noticed it.

    2. Also, you spelled it incorrectly; it is "Stryfe".

  3. hmmm interesting colour scheme rayven there, do you think there's going to be a repaint?

  4. Elite Rayven? Yay! Doesn't surprise me; given the design cues of the Rayven reflecting those we see on the Elite blasters, it looks like it was downgraded and rushed to market to give N-Strike a swan song before Elite came out.

    Nonetheless, looking forward to it! And universal glow darts? Finally, something to give my Firefly a new lease on life.

    1. why would it be downgraded? everything is suppose to shoot better in the elite line plus i would expect more that they kept everything but motors and replaced those with the stockade ones.

    2. I mean the base model N-Strike Rayven CS-18 having been "downgraded" in comparison to the up-coming Elite Rayven to fit into N-Strike before Elite was announced, figuring that the Elite line was in development for sometime before the Rayven's initial release.

  5. It almost doesn't seem as if the Stryfe has flywheels. No gaping bulges on top or bottom.

    1. I believe it is flywheel, if you note the battery compartment and double trigger. The Rayven's aesthetic did a good job concealing the flywheels, I'm willing to bet this one does too. It is basically a re-shell of the Rayven at first glance, and it doesn't make much sense.

    2. The black bar next to the jam door seems out of place, maybe there?

    3. Anyone think there's a possibility that the Stryfe uses a plunger system? As much as I hope it does, there is a greater chance of it being flywheels.

  6. The Stryfe really reminds me of a Hail-Fire meets Barricade in terms of styling... especially the front barrel area.

    I hope the Elite Rayven has a performance increase rather than *just* a repaint... yet at the same time I hope it doesn't since I've invested a lot of time in modding my current Rayven x___x;; so conflicted.

    Good to see Elite Glow darts though :P and I quite like the new green colour of the Firefly clips... the grey was a little dull IMHO. I wonder if these new clips are just a recolour or if they improve the lights in it as well... well, its good to be hopeful and optimistic :P

  7. Hm, according to the front print the clips are finally separatly available. Big thumbs up Hasbro!

  8. Is it just me or does the stryfe look like it will accept stock and barrel attachments? In my mind this screams "elite battery powered recon"! It is the nerf blaster I've been waiting for since 07!

    1. It does look a lot like a battery powered recon. While I love the idea of dual wielding I don't like having to buy batteries for my Nerf stuff.

      I see Nerf is continuing their tradition of selling darts in packages that do not match the capacity of the blasters: 18 shot firefly clip, 12 darts in a package.

  9. Maybe the Stryfe is Nerf taking a hint from all the barricades made to use clips.

  10. Noooooo! I think a lot of people (including me) expected the the stryfe/strife to be based on the system used by the Dart Tag Snapfire 8. When the snapfire 8 came out, people found it such an innovative idea and certainly expected it to be repeated in the Elite line. But now we know...can't be anything but ...flywheels. Hopefully the incinerator can do better...

  11. Everyone! I saw these in a Toys R Us. I'm in the UK, it was the Purley way TRU if anyone wants to get some.

  12. Can anyone confirm or deny the following for me please? I've looked everywhere and while the answer may "seem" obvious, it's not actually written anywhere... so are Elite Firefly exactly the same as the Elite darts, or are they like the previous streamlined darts? I wish there was a cut-away to compare them, like I've seen it done on the internet for the standard Elite darts and the previous streamlines.
