
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rumours: Elite Jolt-probably.

We had more photos of the alleged Nerf Elite Jolt arrive today, and I really do have to say this is looking like the real deal. The extra muzzle attachment, the blue plastic (vs an orange regular jolt painted) and the orange priming arm and trigger for me looks pretty authentic. The original N-Strike logo is of course been the main hot issue behind whether this IS 'Elite' or just a regular Jolt factory repaint, but the owner of these has suggested it's hitting harder than a regular Jolt but that's to be confirmed at a later stage. 

Maybe it's an upgraded spring? Or maybe it's just because of the darts/in our heads? We'll see eventually. More pics after the jump. Thanks AC for the intel!


  1. The fact the stripe is only on one side hurts my eyes. D:

    1. i agree if its uneven it pisses me off.

  2. They definitely came out of the same mould as the orange ones. All the details look identical to my orange ones. Have to agree that paint on just one side looks rather lame.
    As many modders have proven the frame can handle a stronger spring. LIttle kids can cope with the current spring, but could struggle with a major upgrade.

    I must say I'm actually disappointed. I was hoping for a true elite Jolt with a slightly longer grip to increase the size of the plunger and make it more comfortable for anyone over the age of 10 to hold.

    1. The Triad (if THAT'S real, should be actually "Elite"

  3. It IS blue plastic, as the light can been seen on the Jolt when in the light. If it were painted, the light wouldn't bounce off of it as it would if it were plastic.

  4. I still refuse to believe that it's the new Elite Jolt. Why would they rename the raider and the recon and not name the jolt? Also, the Triad looks more like the real deal, more than this. Finally, the fact that there only one white stripe at one side makes nerf sound lazy. Even they put finishing touches.

    1. I guess that we will have to wait and see!

    2. Hey boss, remember gear up recon and maverick? they were painted one side only too but they were real.

  5. toasty, its a re-shell from hasbro's new Clue spinoff game - seems kind of really damn stupid to me

  6. @Toasty, It's a CLUE Elimination Jolt seen here:

  7. its fake other wise it would be called the triad.

  8. I believe that is thee blue clue elimination Jolt I guess that is just there for comparison

  9. I keep one in my schoolbag in case someone pisses me off

  10. Don't bother getting the Elite Jolt. The Triad is the best small gun EVER!!!
