
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rumours: more on the N-Strike Elite Jolt

There has been much discussion and speculation of a Nerf N-Strike Elite Jolt going around lately, but this was brought to my attention this morning on Tao Bao- and it looks pretty much the real deal. 

I'm still thinking it may be just a Jolt repaint only accompanied by an Elite dart rather than anything new internally- for one there's no official release to say "All N-Strike products are now discontinued and anything painted blue and white in our line will now be more powerful" and it still sports the original N-Strike logo. 

Looks priddy though:) More pics after the jump (Thanks Andrew for the lead!)


  1. Triad is the Elite Jolt, not this. This is just a paint job with an ascetic barrel mod to mimic the Jolt depicted on the picture of the Elite vest. It is a good paint job though:).

    1. No.. Triad is the Triad. This clearly says "Jolt". We don't even know if it IS an Elite series. Maybe it's made to look like the Raider;-D

    2. The cocking arm is also orange and doesn't look painted (the original Jolt's arm is grey).

      I'll go with real from Nerf, but agree with the others that it's just a repainted Jolt.

    3. The triad was a prototype that slipped into a kids hands. Hasbro probably trashed the triad and went along with the jolt instead.

    4. This is probably a repainted jolt.

  2. It's interesting to see it painted on the right side and unpainted on the left. Obviously not the way Nerf would ship it.

    I may be in the minority, but if Nerf plans to maintain both the N-Strike and N-Strike Elite lines then I don't see the need to repaint everything in blue. I really like the Elite colour scheme, but would like to see some variety. I think the success of the clear, sonic, whiteout, gear up and red strike lines proves I'm not alone in that regard.

    Let me also say that I think the choice of dark blue for Elite darts is a clear example of form over function. The darts look great, but it requires significantly more effort to find them.

    1. Well, if you think about it you'd remember that the FIRST N-Strike blasters were blue, and the Raider is blue... I'm guessing they're redoing a few of them so you can have a blue one if you want it, since yellow is just ugly on some.

    2. Nerf would ship out blasters skipping out on painting such as one side of the barricade not having the name painted on it even though it was raised into the plastic.

  3. I think I saw it at Walmart in Ontario, but it might've been the normal one...

  4. Fake. Everyone knows the Triad is the new Jolt. This is just a repainted old Jolt. it's obvious.

  5. Someone repainted a jolt. whoopee.

  6. Wait up for a sec.

    I agree it looks just like a repainted Jolt, like some of those other ones floating around that were confirmed as home repaints.


    Considering a few things that have been in my head:

    1) As Pocket said, just because it IS Blue and white doesn't mean it IS an Elite series blaster and going to fire further. This might JUST be a repaint, yes. But an official one FROM Nerf themselves.

    2) Nerf haven't said they're going to discontinue N-Strike just yet- in fact some of the rumors we're seeing suggest stores will still be not just stocking, but ordering existing N-Strike well into the new year.

    3) There is no reason why they wouldn't continue to release the Jolt, but just with the new colors. There's not a whole lot they could do with the Jolt anyway, so just arming it with an Elite dart would give it some improvements.

    4)Finally- the source. Almost every 'rumor' that's come out of Urban Taggers have been true. and he's spotted it from Tao Bao, notorious for the leaks and new products.


  7. I would suggest its real, but nothing special. It's a Jolt, and it's blue and white to follow suit of all the new blasters coming out. It's already a direct plunger so really, other than giving it an Elite dart, there's not much else they will do with it.

  8. It still has the old N-Strike logo, not the Elite one. Fake.

  9. Man, the amount of times I've seen people think they're experts and scream "Fake!" only to months later be very quiet. Wait and see I reckon.

    1. This. I agree completely considering the paintjob is professional/mechanical grade, same exact shade of blue, and where did these 'fakes' get those PURE orange trigger and priming bar? Not even going to mention the obviously changed tip... XD

  10. it has the digital camo print on it, the old jolt didn't so I believe this is a real thing whether it is only a prototype or will be sold is unknown, the Triad and reflex also appear to be real not fakes. I do understand the it has the old n-strike logo and shouldn't I can't explain that, ask nerf.

  11. Either way, it is awesome

  12. Factors like the paint/ mold color and logo may contribute to people calling this fake. But if you look for yourself on the elite box with the guy on the side, the model there is exactly the one you see here coming from official box art itself, so I'm claiming this as real. Even if this was fan-made it would be exactly like the real thing. I like that little compensator thing on the front, looks pretty cool because heck who used the sights on the jolt anyways (also they need a large blaze orange nozzle for legal reasons and the fact that the molds are usually a single color with extra painted detailing on them) . Anyone saying the digital camo wasn't on the jolt, I have one right here and its there. Also the Triad would be shipping along with it as well, but since that thing came out of no where I have no idea what is to become of it, seems almost likely though. And with all the re-releases of old blasters with the elite touch to it, this seems very likely doesn't it?

  13. Here's something to consider. Both the Rayven CS-18 and the Jolt EX-1 (both fairly recent blasters) are labelled as such on their respective packaging, however neither of them have their number codes written on the blasters themselves. This brings me to think that these blasters were created as part of the N-Strike Elite line, but were brought ahead and released under N-Strike, and during this Nerf intentionally slightly pulled back the power of each of them in order to be able to later re-release them under Elite as upgraded versions with more power. Another factor pointing towards this is their odd paint-jobs. To me this seems more than likely when putting all factors into consideration.

  14. Didn't you notice it had a N-Strike logo, not an Elite logo pocket? it's obviously fake

    1. I DID notice that, hence the "and it still sports the original N-Strike logo" in my post:P

  15. What get's me is that Nerf has discontinued the original N-strike?! WHY OH WHY?! This is just a massive scam to get our money. They're re-releasing old guns and destroying the old brand therefore making older blasters harder to find! They could've run N-strike and N-strike Elite but I guess that dividing the guns would have been hard and not enough for one brand. I kinda hate Hasbro now. Give me a day or two and I might get over it. I don't really care about the Elite Jolt anymore. Too much fuss.

  16. Listen up! Anyone think there will be a triad and an elite jolt? Another post will come after I receive this (being Andrew). Rememba? Hasbro loooves your money.

  17. FFFFFAAAAAKKKKKEEEEE!!!!!lol not really. it looks like the paint is professonally done, i say its real. m

  18. I say it is real just like the "Elite" Pinpoint Sight this might just be a recolor (With a new nozzle piece)also Pocket I cannot seem to find it anywhere on the Tao Bao site link please?

  19. Also just because the Nerf logo is not printed on one side does not mean anything actually if I remember correctly the original Jolt was like that too.

  20. My favourite part is always the few months after a "rumour" when everyone who thought them to be fake is strangely quiet...

    I come to Urban Taggers because I've yet to see a rumour that hasn't come to fruition. He does his homework before posting.
