
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rumours: Vortex Diatron?

While we're at it, spotted by one of our readers Sean; also listed on the AB Gee website- A "Vortex Diatron(Multishot)" for 19.99 GB pounds. Interesting...


  1. Oh how I love rumors... The stryfe looks like a barricade with a bit different shaped shell and a clip system! Sweet!

  2. i see that it probably shoots more than one disk at a time but that is a kind of a odd thing for the vortex series because the firring system takes up a lot of room and the most logical choice would be side by side barrels which makes the thick blaster already thicker. REMEMBER people that it very likely wouldn't have the 2 barrel above the 1st because of the vertical room and the fact that the disks don't fire upside down, any ideas people?

    1. Idea: would it be possible to weight flywheels enough that they would be able to maintain the momentum to spit out multiple disks in rapid succession? Perhaps not the shotgun idea of "multishot", but closer to the idea of the original Spartan NCS-12 concept (for those of you who are familiar with the first N-Strike game for Wii) - a multi-shot manually-actuated burst-fire action...? Seems a little more plausible than multiple barrels or clips...

    2. The second barrel can be above the first. It can be like two of the Proton's barrels. You have to pull the thing to reload the gun and put in a disk, and you pull them out one by one so you have space to put the disk in. You don't have to put the disk upside down, but the firing the disk upside down still works. Try firing a vortex gun upside down, the disk still shoot really far.

    3. Actually It wouldn't be that hard to have an over under vortex blaster, If the launcher is offset for the over barrel and then bends over the lower barrel it would be able to launch a disk easily. That or there could also be a possibility that it is an extension spring launching system, one that would be even easier and cheaper to implement in a vortex design. Id imagine a blaster with that design to be of similar size to a Vigilon

  3. There are several possible solutions to the multishot problem.

    > Barrels side by side, makes it wider but still not that bulky.
    > Barrels on top with the firing-positions in vertical echelon and two firing arms.
    > Two discs in the same barrel behind each other at some distance.

    What I wonder: Is this the Ruff Cut under a new name or do we really get two multishots next year?

  4. Maybe side-by-side barrels with a dual clip that has 2 feed outputs in 1 clip?

  5. I can already fire two disks at once, just by stuffing a second disc down the barrel of a primed Vigilon.

    I made a ghetto Diatron all by myself!

  6. they could have one clip in front of another, makeing the back one higher having a virtical double barrel

  7. Maybe it's a...

    Vortex shotgun? :P

  8. What I would like to see is a vortex bolt-action rifle, with a bullpup style action, meaning the clip is in the back of the rifle
